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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Antioxidants - The Key To Health And Youth

By Tina Peters

You will be familiar with antioxidants if you are someone who is interested in your health. Those interested in anti aging will also have come across the term. Free radicals will be a familiar concept as well. We understand that free radical activity is the root cause of illness and also of premature aging.

Scientific research shows that the body works in different ways during the course of its lifetime. While we are young, our bodies are growing and utilize nutrients from food and the environment to construct and renew itself. Puberty and young adulthood indicate that the body is preparing itself for the tasks it expects to undertake in life such as producing offspring and working to provide a living for a family.

When we reach our early to mid twenties, our bodies reach a peak in rejuvenating capabilities. From this point onwards the process of decline through aging begins. There is no static point at which aging starts neither is there a hard and fast rule as to how quickly or slowly the aging process takes place. It is possible to use antioxidants to delay the onset of aging and to maintain the optimum performance of youth. Antioxidants confront free radicals in the system and reduce or prevent their degenerative effect on the body.

Antioxidants are naturally produced by the body; but less efficiently as we grow older and the more we are exposed to negative factors such as to pollution and poor diet. Antioxidants can otherwise be fed to the body through the food we eat and through nutrients absorbed by the skin. People with a good intake of antioxidants stay younger and healthier, longer.

To ensure a diet that is rich in antioxidants, you should include as much raw or lightly cooked fruits and vegetables as possible. Eat a variation of freshwater fish and seafood. Food that has been artificially treated with chemicals should also be kept to the minimum. Avoid too much meats, saturated and processed fats and heavy carbs such as wheat products and refined sugars. Eliminate smoking, spirit alcohols, and concentrated caffeine. - 17268

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