Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, August 24, 2009

Best Abs Workout Routines: Your Road Map To Six Pack Abs Fast

By Lynn Howard

I would like to start by dispelling a huge myth about building six pack abs. You cant simply burn fat off your midsection to expose your abs. You can do sit ups, crunches, V-ups all day and develop a strong midsection but you wont be able to see them. With all the misleading advertisements for ab building machines its no surprise that people still think you can simply burn away the fat around your midsection by doing ab exercises. The following are the components you'll need to develop the best abdominal workout.

NUTRITION PHASE: Your diet may be the most important part of your fitness plan to develop six pack abs. Forgetting to focus on proper nutrition is like trying to drive your car with 3 tires you wont ever reach your destination. Some nutritional components you must consider.

Hot Metabolism: Increasing your metabolism will help you to continue burning calories and fat long after you've finished your workout. Unlike your hybrid car you want your body to be very energy INEFFICIENT. You want your body to burn calories like an high powered muscle car. By eating 5-6 meals per day you will get your metabolism burning hot and fat will begin to melt off.

High Protein: Eating lean protein is essential to your diet for many reasons. Unlike most carbohydrates, lean protein digests slowly keeping your blood sugar and cravings to a minimum. Turkey, chicken, fish or tofu are excellent sources of lean protein.

Lots of Water: We need water to survive and flush out all the toxins in the body. Keeping well hydrated is also essential to being consistent with your workouts. Drink 8 cups a day for optimal health.

Fiber: Think of fiber as lubricant to your digestive tract. Keeping high amounts of fiber in your stomach keeps food moving quickly through your digestive and intestinal tract which will keep you in overall good health.

WORKOUT PHASE: CARDIOVASCULAR: It is important to do cardiovascular exercise to burn fat. It is more important to keep your workouts short and intense. This is counter intuitive to what most people think. By keeping your workouts very intense and short you will basically kick start your metabolism into high gear. Find things you like to do as that will keep you motivated to continue your program.

Weights: Most people think that doing high reps of low weight is the best to burn fat. That's not true. You may burn a few calories but if you want to burn fat you must add muscle to your body. Muscle is extremely energy costly and burns much more calories than fat even at rest. - 17268

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