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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Washington, DC Weight Loss Expert Debunks 4 Weight Loss Myths

By Josef Brandenburg

The weight loss industry is overcrowded with pharmaceutical companies trying to convince you that their advice or products are the best, which is one of the reasons why there are so many weight loss myths floating about. Here are 4 of the well known myths that a Washington, DC weight loss expert is about to unmask.

Myth #1- All calories are equal- This kind of myth defies human logic. Think about the statement, if all calories were the same then you could eat your 1500- 2000 calories a day from a fast food place and never gain weight, right? For nearly 50 years, the authorities have known that where a calorie comes from is as important as how many of them you consume.

Here are the results of a study that was carried out, if the above does not make enough sense to you. Keeping the type of calories different, the subjects were given only 1000 calories a day to encourage weight loss:

* 1000 calories, 90% fat, weight lost: 0.9 pounds per day * 1000 calories, 90% protein, weight lost: 0.6 pounds per day * 1000 calories, 90% carbs, weight lost: 0 pounds - gained weight

Myth #2- Low Carb high protein diets are dangerous- Over the years quite a few studies have set the record straight about this myth. While vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and amino acids are absolutely essential, it is not mentioned anywhere that carbohydrates i.e. sugar, are required for survival. Aboriginal tribes never suffered from high blood pressure, diabetes or heart trouble even though they survived for many years on animal products alone.

Myth #3- Juices are good for you- There are a very few people that are aware that juices are not as healthy as you have been lead to believe, making this the biggest myth out there. Five oranges are required for a glass of OJ. But you most probably believe that juices are good for your health even though the sugar content of five oranges cannot be less than the sugar content in most sodas. Most of the vitamins are lost while the juice is being extracted, so the fact that they are good for you nutritionally even though they are high in sugar and calories is not true either.

Myth #4- Moderate Drinking does you some good- This myth has been going around for quite some time now. The results of the studies that have shown that drinking alcohol is good for you were incorrect. The purpose of the study was to prove that non-drinkers did not live as long as people who drank moderately.

They compiled a group of non drinkers that included people too ill to drink and former alcoholics, which was a major problem. A former alcoholic or a person who is too sick to be drinking is not expected to have the best life span, so the life expectancy results were totally distorted. Another deceptive concept is the red wine theory, because you do not need to drink wine to enjoy the advantages of grapes. Another point to note about alcohol is that it encourages the storage of fat and loss of muscle, so if you are trying to lose weight, you ought to stay away from it.

As you can see many of the myths that are making their rounds are dispelled just using a little common sense, you did not really need a Washington, DC weight loss expert to clue you in! Nevertheless, it is important to point out that these myths have been exposed by testing and 15 plus years of peer reviewed clinical research. If you want to lose weight, you have to move away from the myths and get the real scoop. - 17268

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