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Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Pet Bird's Health

By Emmanuel J. Hood

Birds may be much more difficult to care for than a standard pet, and by standard we're talking about a cat or a dog. You will find that a lack of care may end in major health issues, so you really want to make sure that you are doing everything properly. You want to make sure that your bird gets the right diet, and that it goes to the vet when it needs to. Want to know more? Keep reading and we'll tell you a few things that will keep your bird happy, healthy, and chirpy.

First, it's important to realize that every kind of bird will require different care. Birds don't have the same needs any more than dogs, cats, and hamsters all respond to the same diet and care. They may all be mammals, but they need different things. That's why you'll have to be careful and take the time to learn what's appropriate for your particular bird.

Believe it or not there are tons of different products out there, but some of them aren't going to benefit your bird at all; in fact they may end up doing more harm than good. There's not really any regulation on pet related products which is why you need to learn as much as you possibly can about your bird including what could hurt or kill it. When you have this knowledge you will be able to shop wisely.

Make sure that your bird has a proper diet that features the right nutrients. In most cases you will find that this is pretty easy because there are food packets that have the right nutrients for your particular bird. Sometimes though the seed packets are of low quality and you will need to add a few supplements in order to get the desired effect. That doesn't mean that all of them are inadequate but there are definitely a few that are so you'll need to keep an eye out for that.

A poor diet can make your bird more susceptible to infections, cause overgrowth of the beak and nails, or cause feather loss, among other conditions. Birds can be very fragile, but they may not look ill until their problems have progressed significantly. This is why it's important to make sure that you have a good veterinarian with experience working with birds already lined up, so that when you see something out of the ordinary, you can find the problem fast.

A change in your bird's attitude as well as fluid discharge in odd places such as nostrils or beak, will probably indicate that the bird is ill, or may even have a diet issue. If you find that your bird is sick, then know that the other birds in the cage will probably begin to bully it. This is something that you want to take care of immediately because it could result in death unless you take action.

Make sure that you pay mind to what the vet has to say regarding your bird, even if you don't actually agree. Some things that the vet suggests could be a change in diet or even a change in the actual environment. You might think that you set everything up right, but if the very says differently then you really need to make a change. After all, you want your pet bird to be healthy, right?

Learn all that you can and make sure that you take good care of your bird. If you learn a lot regarding diet, environment and everything else, then caring for the bird will be relatively easy. - 17268

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