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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Caution: 5 Reasons Why Arm Flab And High Protein Dieting Don't Mix

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

There used to be a period in time when all we ate was what could be gathered or hunted. Arm flab, a common female nightmare, was most likely not a problem in those times.

Enter mass food production and the promotion of fad diets.

Once there was money to be made selling food, all hell broke loose. From this point on, the media waves would be flooded with massive amounts of confusing and contradictory information.

And to this date, I believe that high protein diets have had the biggest impact in our society. How so? Because high protein diets cause the fastest change on the weight scale in comparison to any other diet out there.

Nevertheless, consider the following 5 arm flab pitfalls of high protein diets before buying all those steaks:

1. Massive drops in energy: You can expect a significant decrease in mental output, and once in ketosis, the need to frequently sleep. Why does this happen? Because your body can produce energy 300% faster when being fed carbohydrates.

2. Low intensity exercise ability: Your body and muscles use ATP to produce work. Without carbs, the production of ATP is really slowed down. Moreover, your ability to recover from exercise will virtually disappear.

3. More resistance to insulin: Carbohydrates aren't the only macronutrient that can cause insulin resistance. Saturated fat and PROTEIN can also do the trick.

4. An instantaneous loss in muscle tone: Water within your muscles makes them look tight and compact. Once you stop eating carbs, all the water will flush out.

5. The biggest arm fat rebound: As demonstrated by Christopher Gardner PhD at Stanford University, high protein diets produce the fastest and biggest weight gain rebound of any other diet. So think twice about high protein and arm flab

Thinking twice about going on a high protein diet to get rid of arm flab? I would. Although high protein diets can be effective in certain situations, they are not good for the majority of women wishing to get lean arms. I know it's tempting to simply cut out those carbs to see that weight scale move overnight. However, in the long run you'll be worse off. - 17268

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