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Thursday, August 13, 2009

How To Preserve Eye Health In The Modern World

By Candace Hubbs

If you want to maintain good eye health, it is advisable to go about it in a similar way to taking care of your general health. Like the rest of the body, the eyes need good nutrition, exercise and occasional examinations by a physician.

Your eyes will get all the nutrition they need if you ensure yourself a consistently balanced diet. Unfortunately, a balanced diet is not that easy to get today despite the array of produce lining supermarket walls. Much of this food is deficient in nutrients as a result of modern agricultural practices as well as preservation and packaging techniques. Your eyes may not have regular access to adequate supplies of essential nutrients even though you may think that your diet is varied and includes all the right things.

In order to get a proper balanced diet, you will need to consume what many might describe as a power diet. For example, eyesight can be helped with a diet that is rich in omega fatty acids. This does not mean you can rely on a weekly dose of frozen products from the supermarket to do the trick, no matter how beautifully 'OMEGA 3's' is emblazoned on the packet. You need lots of freshwater fish, cooked very lightly, as soon as possible after it was caught. Alternatively, you can take bottled or capsule fish oil. These should be organically sourced and optimally prepared to maintain the volatility of the fatty acids.

Eyes are mainly muscles and like other muscles in the body they need exercise to remain strong and healthy. In the past it was easy for eyes to get as much exercise as they needed. This was because eyes had much more varied work to do and had to work in different conditions. For example, long range viewing was much more necessary when our ancestors had to keep watch for enemies and prey. Also, as bright light of day faded into the depth of night, our eyes had to work accordingly. Today, with artificial lighting and new light sources from TV's and computer monitors, eyes are not expected to work in the same way they did before. Now there must be a concerted effort to include eye exercises daily.

Anyone serious about eye health will include regular visits to an optician as part of their annual schedule. An eye professional will be able to detect developing eye problems and with early treatment, arrest any further decline in sight. - 17268

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