Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Losing Arm Fat And Fasting Don't Go Well Together-6 Reasons Why

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

With all the different fad diets out there, how are you going to choose the best one for losing arm fat? I believe that it has become increasingly difficult to select the right diet.

But don't panic, I'm here to the rescue.

So without further delay, here are 6 cons of fasting diets for getting toned arms:

1. Less calories burned. Once you submit your body to starvation mode, expect a massive decrease in metabolism. And a slower metabolism translates into less calories burned, even while you're dreaming.

2. Massive rebounds. Expect an enormous rebound in arm fat gain once you get off of the fast. Why? Because during fasting your active tissues have dumped water and your fat storing enzymes have up-regulated. When you start eating normal you'll gain fat and water very quickly.

3. Can't be sustained. Fasting is a non-sustainable endeavor. Eventually you will have to get off of the fast or you'll suffer some pretty serious health issues. Not good.

4. Intense hunger pangs. At least on a low carb diet you get the satiating effect of protein. But on a fast you get nothing. The end result? Uncontrollable urges to eat and eat, and eat.

5. Phantom energy. Why phantom energy? Because you won't have any! Within a couple hours of fasting you will have burned through all the carbohydrates stored in your liver. Then you'll start to burn muscle for energy.

6. High frequency sickness. Without enough food coming in, your body will not be able to fight off sickness very well. Expect a much higher rate of sickness when on a fast.

There are much more effective and sustainable ways of losing arm fat. And why start fasting if you can't sustain it? Moreover, why subject yourself to the possibility of a major weight gain rebound? Ignore the fads and stick to what is sustainable and to what works. Only then will you reach sexy arm success! - 17268

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