Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What Should You Eat on the HCG Diet?

By Amelia Handley

The HCG is one of the most efficient methods of losing weight available. It also depends upon a very strict (and limited) number of calories. You're limited to 500 per day.

For some...this is all they hear and they run away from the opportunity. What they don't wait around to find out is that the other major "number" attached to the HCG diet is the statistic that dieters lose an average of a pound per day. For dieters who hear the numbers and immediately want to give up before they've started we think the best persuasion is to actually offer them a meal that is approved on the HCG diet program.

The cookbook HCG Diet Direct makes available to all their dieters is packed full of recipes that you can have while you are sticking to the strict caloric intake on the program. It offers a varied selection so all tastes of different dieters can be met. After dieters try a few recipes and start to find a few that they really enjoy and that are easy to work into their day to day routine they realize just how much easier it is to stay on the limited calorie intake with meals that you enjoy eating.

Jody P. of Peoria says, "I love the vegetable soup. And my husband has become quite attached to the roast. He prefers it to the way I used to make it before I stumbled upon the recipe in the HCG Diet Direct cookbook."

Jimmy A. of Gilbert said, "I really like the egg rolls. And I could almost live off the chili. I make a big pot of it and then divide it up into single servings and I'll have it probably 4 or more times per week. I don't think I'll ever stop using it as a staple for lunch and dinner in our household; even after I've completed the diet."

Taking advantage of the tools offered make the HCG diet a uniquely effective and manageable method of weight loss. More and more people are improving their health and their outlook on life by reaching a weight that is natural and healthy for their body type. Don't let the numbers scare you's not as big of a deal to limit your food intake as you might think! - 17268

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