Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, September 24, 2009

10 Fabulous Tips That Will Help You Lose Weight

By Duncan Cheng

1)Never eat your meals on the run. Always sit down and chew your food well before swallowing. Allow yourself enough time to eat and enjoy your food.

2)Always drink low fat milk, especially the one that contains just 1% fat. If you drink one glass of milk per day by making this switch you will be able to lose 5 pounds in 1 year.

3)Juice and sodas contain a lot of calories. Don't make the mistake of thinking that they aren't food. You should drink at most 1 glass of juice per day. If you can avoid drinking juice at all the better.

4)You should get most of your calories form foods that require you to chew them. Instead of drinking juice eat a fresh fruit. It's much more nutritious and healthy.

5)Stop drinking alcoholic beverages if you ever what to lose weight. If you cannot renounce drinking alcohol because of peer pressure limit your alcohol consumption to weekends. Alcohol contains lots of calories. Just read the label and you will be convinced.

6)The Chinese have a saying about eating: "Eat until you are eight-tenths full" You should do your best to fulfill this ancient and wise health advice. It will help you lose weight and stay healthy for longer periods of time.

7)Never clean out your plate, especially when you are eating out. A typical restaurant meal contains around 1500 calories, more than you should eat at one meal. Eat just a part of the meal and the rest take it home for later.

8)When you are dining out with your significant other share the dessert. It's much more romantic and friendlier with your figure.

9)A super healthy salad that will help you lose a lot of weight is made out of 3 cans of different types of beans and Italian dressing. All you have to do is mix the ingredients together and the salad is ready. It is super tasty and good for your figure. You can eat this salad 3 times a week if you want.

10)You should eat more sweet potatoes instead of potatoes. They are much more good for your figure. - 17268

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