Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, September 5, 2009

5 Myths About Arm Fat And Protein Intake

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

There is simply way too much confusion out there because of all the fad diets and all the marketers. Women are more confused than ever when it comes to flabby arms and protein. Perhaps you are confused?

I sure was confused not too long ago.

After all, separating the wheat from the chaff can be virtually impossible for the average woman because of all the marketing hype. And not knowing how to manage your consumption of protein can put a serious dent in your arm fat goal.

Thus, here are 5 myths about arm fat and protein intake:

1. Powders and bars are superior to food. Whole food will always provide a superior supply of protein. Why? Because protein from whole food sources will digest slower and will be accompanied by a whole range of additional nutrients.

2. Having protein shakes galore reduces flabby arms. While protein from REGULAR FOOD improves hormonal profiles and regulates hunger, going overboard with shakes will set you back. Why? Because you'll get tons of calories without a sense of fullness.

3. Rapid absorption of protein is better. Any time your body absorbs a nutrient rapidly there will be a pushback. In this case, having a fast digesting source of protein will leave your bloodstream with low levels of amino acids.

4. More protein is better for arm fat loss. This is true up until a certain point. What point? If your protein intake exceeds 30% of total calories a whole host of negatives begin to surface. So stick to small servings of protein in each meal and do go overboard.

5. Steroids in animal protein affect health. While there are ethical and ecological reasons to avoid steroid-enhanced meat, there have been no conclusive studies showing a direct impact on female health. Having said that, you are better off eating grass fed meat because of higher omega-3 content.

Getting rid of flabby arms and reducing that arm fat involves a solid understanding of how protein affects the female body. Please do not buy into the supplement companies claims and please do not buy into high protein diets. The bottom line is that whole food sources of protein in moderation are best for reducing flabby arms. - 17268

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