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Monday, September 21, 2009

Acai Berry Lets Get To Business

By Martin A Gerrard

Youve seen it all over TV and the Internet. This little berry packs a big punch. The problem is does it live up to all of the hype? Were talking about the Acai berry.

Brazil is the main place where the acai berry comes from and is harvested each and every year to give you a number of products. This berry is rich in antioxidants and other crucial nutrients. Most acai based products dont live up to any of their promises and science can prove it.

The acai berry may help with weight loss and detoxifying the body. However there are several scams on the Internet with fake before and after photographs to push a product. Buyer be ware when you are looking at these types of products online.

If you suffer from constantly feeling like you have no energy the acai berry may just do the trick to boost your energy. This natural food provides a wide spectrum of nutrients that will help in immunity as well.

Sodium benzoate is a preservative that is used in many juice type products. It is used to hold things in tact; however it is also known to cause cancer. If you see any type of product using this as a preservative stay away from it. In fact if a company has to use any type of preservative stay away from it period.

Companies making any juices from any types of super foods often pasteurize or hot fill their products thus killing vital nutrients. If nutrients sit in water or are not stabilized then they will decay and break down. So the challenge becomes how do you deliver vital nutrients to the consumer?

Introducing the blast cap invented by inventor Mikel Anderson. The blast cap technology is sealed technology that can be placed on top of a bottle of water and the nutrients can be blasted into the bottle. The nutrients in the blast caps are much higher potent due to the delivery method.

Why continue to pay $40 or more for a pasteurized bottle of juice? Imagine if you could have thousands of times more potent ingredients delivered at one tenth of the cost what that would do for you? These blast caps from Yoli will change the way you think about drinking any juice ever again.

The blast cap technology is launching into the U.S. market October of 2009 and the only place you can get it is from Yoli. Funny enough, the product name they have chosen is called Truth. To expose the truth about juices and what is actually out there on the market compared to what you can get at one tenth of the cost. - 17268

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