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Monday, September 28, 2009

Aloe Vera Jell

By Palti Shipard

Aloe vera Barbadensis is a helpful plant, that has the appearance of a cactus but is in the lily family and related to onions, garlic and asparagus. The Aloe family has four hundred different species. The Aloe vera plant is sometimes used as a herbal medicine. The gel from the leaves contain carbohydrate polymers, like glucomannans or pectic acid, and other healthy compounds that are thought to have positive effects on the body.

The juice and jell has been consumed by many people for thousands of years and has been employed in cosmetics more than any other plant. Aloe Vera is hypoallergenic and has no known complications. It is safe for children, adults, seniors and even pregnant women.

There are no known reactions with substances, so Aloe vera products are safe to take with medicines. There are folks who are allergic to aloa vera, go slow initially to be sure you aren't one of these people. Contact dermatitis can occur in sensitive individuals,test a small area of skin, for a reaction before more use. The juice and jell can be employed topically as well as taken internally. Many people keep a potted plant in the kitchen for use at any time, the plant is easy to grow. A leaf can be cut open and the gel applied immediately to a cut or burn. The jell has anti-viral and anti inflammatory properties and benefits the skin by adding amino acids, minerals and B1, B2, B6 and C vitamins.

Almost all of the packed aloe vera gels that you purchase are thickened with carrageenan. Carrageenan is a food grade thickening agent which is naturally found in sea kelp / Irish moss. Aloe Vera is utilized in hundreds of commercial products including sunburn treatments, juices, shampoos, creams, cosmetics, lotions, as well as other numerous beauty preparations. Aloe vera has been used for centuries for a number of treatments and to keep the skin healthy.

Aloe vera juice is frequently used to help clean the gut and help the inmune system. The juice is a natural detoxifier, it increases good abdominal flora, eases and repairs damaged and inflamed tissue both internally and outwardly. It is utilized to increase bile flow, reinforcing appetite, for treating bronchial infections and for uterus, liver and colon problems.

It helps to improve bowel regularity naturally. Aloe vera is looked at by many herbalist as a panacea because it has so many uses, there were many studies of its use. There's some proof the extracts might be helpful in the treatment of diabetes and raised blood lipids. These effects are thought to be because of compounds like polysaccharides, mannans, anthraquinones and lectins.

Aloe vera is not much problem to grow if you do not over water your plant. Let the soil become fully dry before giving the plant a cup or 2 of water. In the summer months, the soil should be totally saturated, but then let it dry out before re-watering. The leaves contain a supply of water to help it survive through times of drought. Aloe Vera spreads by offsets and root sprouts.

Aloe plants are 95% water, because of this they are extremely frost tender. They can be grown outdoors in warm climates, they should be planted in full sun, or light shade. The soil needs to be moderately fertile, and fast draining. The plants are made to survive droughts.

Aloin was a standard ingredient in purgative products in the States before 2003, when the FDA ruled that aloin was a class III ingredient, thus banning its use. Processed aloe vera juice doesn't contain major amounts of aloin and is often used as a digestive healer. - 17268

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