Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, September 28, 2009

Home Workout: Flatten Your Belly with a 10-Minute Routine

By Travis Hunt

At first glance, a full-proof 10-minute home workout to flatten abs might seem a bit unbelievable to you, especially if you have been so used to at least 45 minutes of intense exercising. But what if I told you it IS possible?

When I first heard about it, I was just as skeptical as the next person. Nevertheless, I said to myself, what would I lose if I give it a try? Absolutely nothing, that?s what. The idea of just getting six pack abs in the shortest time possible was more than enough motivation for me. And I assure you, this one is definitely a no-lose case.

True enough, it did work for me! Let me share with you the details of the 10-minute home exercise that helped me flatten my abs.

For you to have six pack abs, you must be willing to do anything to achieve your goal. I am not suggesting, however, that you buy any exercise equipments or get an exclusive membership in a prestigious gym because there?s really no need for all that; that is not what I am trying to point out at all.

Here?s the deal: It will definitely provide you a shorter time for your workout routine. But for you to reap all the benefits in that shot period of time, you need to exert more effort. You simply need to work just as hard, if not more, if you want to save on time.

First, you should start doing your home workout before eating. Why is that? Just think of a time when you were so tired from doing something strenuous, you had this strong desire to replenish your strength.

The same goes with your muscles; later in the course of an extreme workout, it will long for replenishment, and when you satisfy the hunger of your muscles, you will enable them to build greater mass. So the best macronutrient you should include in your meal is protein.

For the training routine, lay down on a flat surface and do 50 simple crunches. Do this at a quicker pace yet keep your rhythm.

Do not get too excited. It does not end there. When you are done with the crunches, do 25 leg raises, then go for another round of 50 crunches. When you are half way doing this you will feel your muscles contract; that is a sign that it is working.

Soon after the crunches, perform about 50 reps of the bicycle exercise. That makes 25 reps per side crunch and knee-bend. As you wrap up your routine, have one more round of 50 crunches. It?s as simple as that.

The beginning could pose as very challenging to you. But you?ll soon get used to the home exercise like I did. Just 10 minutes everyday and you can get a super flat set of abs in no time at all. Push yourself, give it your all, and you?ll soon don the midsection you?ve always wanted. - 17268

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