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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Birch Polypore Extract Used for Intestinal Parasites during Stone Ages

By Dr. Markho Rafael

Growing on dead or dying birch trees, the fungus Birch Polypore (Piptoporus betulinus) can be found around the globe in temperate climates wherever birch trees occur.

Birch Polypore's 15 minutes of fame came when it was discovered among the remains of Oetzi the Iceman, whose 5,300 year old mummified body was found 1991 at the border of Austria and Italy in a glacial ice cave.

The general consensus is that Oetzi the Iceman used the Birch Polypore against an infection of the intestinal parasite Trichuris trichuria, of which eggs were found among his remains. [190]

And indeed, Birch Polypore tea has been used historically as a folk remedy against intestinal parasites. It has also been used as a styptic to stop bleeding, and as a general antibiotic. [25]

A finding in 1997 confirmed that certain compounds in Birch Polypore extract help diminish chronic dermal inflammation [191] and being generally anti-inflammatory. [192]

It was found effective against Bacillus megateterium, [194] and a study in 2000 found it to contain an antibiotic compound named Piptamine. [193] Paul Stamets suggests that it be studied for effectiveness against Bacillus anthracis, more commonly known as anthrax. [134]

Another potent compound isolated from Birch Polypore is Betulinic Acid, which is produced by birch trees and then extracted and concentrated by the Birch Polypores. A study on melanoma in 1995 found that Betulinic Acid exhibited toxicity against melanoma cells while having no adverse effect on healthy cells. [195] A later study, in 2002, may have discovered the mechanism behind Betulinic Acid's cancer toxicity when it found that it inhibits certain enzymes involved in the growth and development of tumors. [196]

A 2001 study of Betulinic Acid derivatives from Birch Polypore also reported anti-viral properties. In a study on HIV, these compounds were found to block the reproduction of HIV. [197]

In 2004, medicinal mushroom expert Paul Stamets filed a patent on an extraction method of Birch Polypore after researchers at USAMRIID (U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease) and NIH (National Institute of Health) published findings that Stamets' Birch Polypore extract effectively killed vaccinia and cowpox viruses while not harming human tissue. [134]

Note: The statements on this page have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult a licensed medical practitioner before using any herb (or mushroom) for medicinal purposes. - 17268

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