Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Coconut Nutrition - The Hidden Treasure for Your Health

By Kathryn Barry

Coconut Nutrition has been some how buried for decades. Meanwhile, coconut's fat has taken on a bad reputation because it contains a large quantity of saturated fats. This has lead people to believe that eating coconuts is bad for your heart.

The saturated fats present in coconuts are not harmful and contain medium chain fatty acids which help to prevent various heart problems including high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.

Your Body Needs Saturated Fats

Dietary fats are needed for fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K to be absorbed by your body. Mineral absorption and the conversion of carotene into vitamin A are also affected by dietary fats.

The livelihood of your hormones, hormone like substances, and cell membranes depends on an adequate supply of saturated fats. Saturated fats also provide your body with a great source of energy.

Omega 3's depend on saturated fat, so that they can be utilized by your body.

Your cells communicate better when your diet has this fat and your cell membranes should be made of about 50% saturated fat.

Coconuts are an important source of saturated fat for Vegans or Vegetarians who don't eat animal products.

Coconuts are Easier to Get than Mother's Milk

Coconut's are one of the few sources of medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) or medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). This is what makes coconut's saturated fat so unique and special.

Mother's milk is another source of these powerful fatty acids which help newborns to develop their immune systems properly.

Coconut Nutrition and MCTs

These fatty acids put less strain on your body and are easily digested.

Your body rapidly turns MCTs into energy for your body.

Coconut fat is loaded with Lauric acid which is known for it's ability to kill unwanted germs and parasites.

MCTs boost your metabolism and thyroid functions.

Coconut's Effect on Cholesterol Levels

Lately, studies show no connection to high serum cholesterol or to high coronary heart disease with the consumption of dietary coconut oil.

Closer scrutiny shows that fats found in coconut oil raise the "Good Cholesterol Level".

In the past, studies found that coconut's oils or fats was a risk for heart disease because it raised people's cholesterol levels.

This kind of flawed study used hydrogenated coconut oil. Hydrogenated oil is made by forcing hydrogen gas into oil at high pressure - this changes the properties of an oil for the worst.

Hydrogenated oils is what creates heart disease and higher serum cholesterol levels. So why use a hydrogenated oil in a study?

There are studies that prove people in tropical areas of the world who consumed a large amount of coconuts did not suffer from the many diseases of our Western World.

Organic Coconut Cream is Delicious

This is one of my favorite ways to consume coconuts. Organic coconut cream is very similar to coconut milk, but contains less water and has a more thick paste-like consistency. This rich and thick cream has a light sweet taste and contains more nutrients than coconut oil.

Coconut Nutrition and Raw Cream

Unlike coconut oil, which is fat soluble, coconut cream is both fat and water soluble.

Thus, you will get all the benefits of coconut oil, plus the ability to break up stored plague.

Stored plague that has hardened in your body due to the consumption of cooked fats and cooked cholesterol breaks down with the use of this powerful solvent.

Best Way to Eat Coconut Cream

Makes a wonderful coconut ice cream

Using this fat in smoothies makes it very satisfying and healthy

Rice dishes become much more interesting when you add some coconut cream. Try adding it to stews and soups for a new depth of flavor.

Make Your Own

You'll need two things to make great tasting coconut cream. Organic coconuts is the best type of coconut to use and a Green Star Juicer makes it so easy.

Basically, you would crack the coconut open, drain the coconut water or drink it, scoop out the fresh coconut meat, and then feed it to the Green Star Juicer and presto - freshly made coconut cream. - 17268

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