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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What Happens During a Heart Attack?

By Barb Hicks

The primary organ of the cardiovascular system is the heart, and is the muscle that continually pumps blood to the rest of the body. The heart's blood supply comes by way of the coronary arteries, carrying the oxygen and nutrients required for it to function properly. Red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and other substances flow freely to the heart. The red blood cells carry oxygen, while the function of the white blood cells is to fight infection.

When a person is healthy, the artery walls are smooth and uniform in thickness, however, as time goes on, a high level of cholesterol circulates, causing fatty deposits called plaque to accumulate on the interior walls of the arteries.

This plaque buildup begins to accumulate and eventually hardens, narrowing the artery and causing it to be less flexible than it once was. This condition is known as atherosclerosis and is the main cause of CAD or Coronary Artery Disease.

When blood flow to the heart is blocked, a heart attack (myocardial infarction, MI) can result. If blockage of a coronary artery extends past 90%, there is an increased risk for a heart attack. When plaque completely blocks or occludes a coronary artery, the risk for heart attack is certain.

Another risk for experiencing a heart attack is the development of a blood clot. This occurs when cracks form in the hardened plaque and blood begins to collect and pile up. The clot can grow to the point of completely blocking blood flow which then results in a heart attack.

The extent of damage the heart acquires during an attack depends largely on the location of the blockage and the speed of obtaining medical treatment. The longer it takes to get help the more extensive the heart damage. Fortunately, atherosclerosis can be prevented, thus lowering the risk of having a heart attack.

It is important to slow the progression of the disease process. This can be accomplished by medications, and reducing your risk factors. You can reduce risk factors by losing excess weight, starting a low fat " low cholesterol " low saturated fat diet, quitting smoking, control of diabetes and hypertension if present, and regular exercise.

In an ideal world everyone would get complete instructions and education on how to reduce their risk factors for heart disease, but due to shortened hospital stays this is not always possible. Take the time to educate yourself to stay healthy. - 17268

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