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Sunday, September 13, 2009

How Can Jazzercise Actually Help Me Prevent Bruising Easily?

By Carolyn Cooper

For many people, aging brings along a variety of undesired side effects, but one that you might not see coming is easy bruising. Suddenly, bumps and scrapes that would have left you with no mark at all a few years ago will start leaving spreading blotches of blue and purple, and you will be trying to find ways to cover them up in irritation. Forget about simply covering them up and think about what you can do to prevent them instead. As we get older, we bruise more easily because the resiliency of our skin has been reduced.

There is less collagen there to make our skin elastic, and this same factor that causes our skin to wrinkle will cause us to bruise more easily as well. This is actually where exercise programs like Jazzercise can prove beneficial.

Judi Sheppard Missett created and founded the Jazzercise regimen back in 1969. Currently speaking, there are generally thought to be more than 7000 instructors accredited in Jazzercise, who hold more than 30,000 weekly classes in 32 different countries around the globe. That's a lot of people who are all using the power of jazz music and the rhythm it engenders to enhance their physical health, and each participant has a multitude of reasons to love their Jazzercise.

Jazzercise fuses jazz dancing with other exercise routines like resistance training Pilates, cardio boxing movements, and even some forms of yoga, into an exercise combination that it can become incredibly catchy. It's easy to start for beginners to dancing or as a change of pace for expert dancers.

A Jazzercise program can provide a variety of benefits, and these can include everything from improving your flexibility and strength and improving your cardiovascular endurance. This is extremely beneficial for your body, and you will find that there are also positive mental and emotional benefits from dancing around to wonderful music. Jazzercise gives you the opportunity to express yourself physically in a manner that you probably have never experienced before.

What you may be wondering is how Jazzercise can help you improve your bruising easily condition. When you Jazzercise, one of the most important things that you are doing is improving your circulation. This in turn will get more blood to any affected area, and it will facilitate your ability to heal the torn tissue there. A bruise is just the breaking of small blood vessels near the skin, and once the vessels have healed and the blood is reabsorbed, the bruise will be gone. Also remember that Jazzercise will help you develop grace and strength, which can keep you from bumping into something that causes bruising in the first place.

Although Jazzercise is a great way to start a program to prevent the bruises before they appear, you should not overlook using a great supplement program like Bruises Be Banned as well. This daily program has been specially formulated to insure that existing bruises vanish quicker while helping to prevent their forming altogether. Take a moment and think about how great the results can be when you combine following a good, daily supplement program while you're working with your local Jazzercise instructor. - 17268

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