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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How to Enlarge Mens Arms without Equipment

By Jesse Regan

Mens arms have been known to be symbols of virility. It is a well-known fact that every time a woman encounters the members of the opposite sex, she always manages to give a longer than usual glance at the arms. Those that are not covered with sleeves can certainly catch her attention and can be subjected to her feminine discriminating tastes.

You just have to understand why women think that mens arms are like gauges to their virility. It might be Freudian but it could be true that their subconscious considers these limbs as phallic symbols. If you are some guy who has arms that look lithe and lean, they may just place you their unfortunate prejudice. However, do not be too desperate about it. What you should do are just some exercises to make them grow without too much costs.

Having a pair of muscular and strong arms is not solely a product of a natural genetic process. Men of lesser brawns can still have it if they just sweat out a little everyday. The key is to tone the muscles in that part of the body and doing routines that would prioritize that area. Going to the gym for workouts and using the equipment can be advantageous. Not only does it have the equipment, one can also get the expert assistance of a fitness trainer there. The routines should not just be of fitness training though. It should be of bodybuilding, growing muscles in the arms area as well as those of the other extremities.

For someone who does not have the resources or time needed for gym workouts, there is also another option of having the arms enlarged. Since buying these for home use can still be expensive nowadays, he may also employ a method that would not require him any equipment. What would be asked from him is just some degree of discipline, motivation, and perseverance. Of course, he should also learn the right techniques in order for him to avoid any injury. Otherwise, he will only backslide to being contented with his lanky arms.

A frequently used exercise in developing the muscles in the arms is the push-up. Except for a level, flat and, if possible, a rubber-matted floor, this certainly needs no other piece of equipment. However, to get the best results, one should do this in the correct manner, with most of the bodys weight felt by the arms. He should start with a few reps and increase it regularly depending on the growth of muscles in the arms area.

Another routine he can do is the pull-up. With an upper door jamb or any horizontal bar that can support his weight and has enough height, he can do the exercise also in progressing reps. This is more tedious than push-ups because the full weight of the body is on the arms. However, this routine certainly develops effectively the biceps area.

This is just tip of the iceberg when you are looking for great tips about workout routine online. - 17268

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