Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, September 21, 2009

How To Get The Look You Want With A 15 Minute Abs Workout

By Gerald Holt

Our schedules in today's society, are so hectic and unforgiving, that trying to include exercises into that schedule is almost an impossibility. And yet, so many people dream about looking like Charles Atlas and getting that washboard midriff and solid core that makes the opposite sex sit up and take notice, that there is a definite need for a shortened version of an abs and core muscle workout. The answer is the 15 minute abs workout: takes up little of your time each day, easy to do, and very effective in getting the look you want.

To begin with, you must have a grasp on how your midsection is designed and work the component parts accordingly: not only each one individually, but work them together as they were meant to be. Your midsection is made up of the abdominal muscles (abs) referred to as upper and lower when talking about training; the oblique muscles---both internal and external; and finally the lower back. A good 15 minute abs workout will not only target the abs per se, but also include the other parts of the trunk of the body to develop them equally.

There are added benefits to having a fit and solid set of core muscles in your midsection; not only do you look good and garner admiring glances, but the added trunk power that your core has will help with more efficiency in performing weight exercises and improved muscle gain. Your performance on the sports playing field will also show a marked improvement, whether it be baseball or any other type of sport, because your delivery is much more powerful. And nothing says "look at me" more than a well developed set of core muscles and not just a 6-pack.

Because all the muscles in your midriff that involve the operation of your core area are in tandem with each other and counterbalance each other in movement, your 15 minute abs workout should mirror the same balanced scenario and be a set of exercises, not just for one set of muscles, but for all of them taking turns working each set. A good workout for this small window of time should have 6 types of exercises utilizing the lower abs and then the core muscles, on to the upper abs, and ending with the lower back; with 2 sets for each exercise.

Some of the exercises included in a good 15 minute abs workout would be something like bent leg reverse crunches for the lower abs, twist and weights for the abs and obliques, a 45degree side bend with weight for the obliques and lower back, a ball crunch (on top of an exercise ball) for the abs, then leg lifts, and finally hyper-extension for the lower back.

You must remember that to have your 15 minute abs workout do what it is designed to do, that the number of repetitions is just as important as any other factor in the entire workout plan. Ideally, to get maximum results, you should be doing 20-25 reps for each set and you should be performing 2 sets for each exercise. And don't forget that getting enough down time between sets is also crucial to having your body react positively to this workout------you should rest for 30-45 secs between sets so you don't overtax your system. If you want positive results in the most compact amount of time, while preserving the integrity of the muscles and keeping yourself on a set routine; you should perform the entire repertoire 2-3 times/week allowing a day in between workouts so you can recuperate and build muscle the right way.

Finding the needed amount of time for a good core muscle and abs workout is seemingly out of reach for most people, or so they have led themselves to believe. You can get that washboard look and strong developed core muscles with the correct 15 minute abs workout, if you just plan ahead, know what exercises are needed, and keep the routine on a set schedule. A shortened workout like this may not seem to you to be something that would be that effective, but it certainly is----and if done properly with determination and knowledge of what the principles are------it will give you the look and strength you want in the shortest amount of time. - 17268

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