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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

MMA Fighters Will Fail Without This Type Of Strength

By Gilson Barbarian Oliveira

Most athletes don't realize how important Isometric Strength is and why it should be part of you MMA Training. Strikers may benefit less from Isometric Training due to the more "dynamic" nature of their arts. Some work is still needed but in a very specific way to mimic the clinching.

Most of the time when we hear something related to certain degree to Isometric Strength is always talking about "Static Holds" and always exploring grip strength. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing about that. But, it's important to say that this method also can be and should be applied to other muscle groups.

Let me explain to you first what "Isometric" means. We all know there is contraction (your muscle is shortening) and there is eccentric (your muscle now is lengthening). So far, so good, right? Now, If you try to push a wall, for instance, is likely you won't be able to do it. But, through your attempt, you created a huge tension throughout you body, specially the "Pushing" muscles (chest, shoulders, triceps). This tension created without the phases described above (shortening and lengthening ) is known as Isometry!

As a MMA fighter there is a possibility for the need of defending a takedown attempt. The first reaction is to get one "underhook" and pick your opponent up. He, on the other hand, will be "weighing down" on your body (specially against the fence). It can be for seconds or minutes, but for as long as they keep that "struggle" they are engaging in Isometric strength. attention to what I'm gonna tell you.

When you have one of the fighters becoming more dominant (picking up or taking down) you have a display of maximal strength (pure strength). Strength tells us we need to fight a resistance (your opponent's effort or body) and we need to win. Because there is no time frame involved here, and I count as one attempt, we will say that that fighter displayed pure strength (maximal)

When you defend a takedown and your response is quick (right away you pick your opponent up) this shows a display of your power (strength + speed). But, if during your fight you are forced to defend yourself from endless takedown attempts, you will have to display not only strength (to pick him up) but endurance to sustain such activity through the rounds. For this, you will need strength-endurance. Remember one thing, if there is no need for speed you are NOT talking about power (strength + speed), only different types of strength.

Many abilities need to be developed to a fighter to be really ready for a match. Some of you might have noticed there is still one ability to be mentioned in this article. In the last phase of any fighter's preparation, this ability is a MUST! Anyone? If round after round I still can display quickness while defending the takedown attempts I am displaying then my power-endurance. Without the speed (quickness) this case turns into strength-endurance, but when your add the speed ability, you the have power. And by sustaining the activity for minutes awhile keeping the speed, you have your power-endurance in place.

Can you understand the consequences if you leave one or more abilities out of your workout planning? I wish you success in your MMA training and positive results. I see you around, and thanks for your time. - 17268

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