Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Supplements or No Supplements for Weight Loss?

By Marz Zinnbao

In the today's age of high tech that has allowed medical science to accomplish so much, there are a number of drugs showing up all over the place that are advertised as the answer to problem of weight loss.

Most of these drugs use the term "supplement" and each of them claim to hold the secret to quick and easy weight loss.

The question is - do they work?

The truth is that a number of people have experienced problems with some supplements and this has caused a number of horror stories to circulate everywhere. As a result, supplements are often regarded as scam and are often treated with real skepticism.

However, for each horror story, there is a corresponding success story as well, especially with weight loss supplements. Some well known celebrities and public figures have reported dramatic weight loss when they take certain types of supplements, and this makes the public wonder if these supplements really are effective.

In order to understand what the supplements can do, it is necessary to first understand how they work. For the most part supplements will do at least one of the following:

1. Control the appetite

2. Boost the metabolism

3. Aid the digestive system

Each of these 3 types have the potential to help you lose weight.

The first type is appetite control. Obviously, the less you eat, the more weight you lose. By taking in supplements to help curb your hunger, many binge eaters will benefit from this.

Many people gain weight because of low metabolism. By increasing or boosting their body's metabolism rate via supplements, excess fat will be burned and losing weight will be the result.

Finally, taking in supplements to aid in the digestive process allow food to be absorbed by the body much better and metabolize it faster. As a result, you'll be sleeping with less food in your stomach which converts into excess fat and energy.

Just to summarize, if a supplement is able to do any of the three tasks listed above, it will definitely have the potential to aid with your weight loss effort. But one question remains; do they work as well as they are advertised to.

There really is no simple answer to that question. While most of the supplements can help, be wary of those that make claims that are more outlandish sounding than realistic sounding. If you choose these supplements you may get results, but not the ones you expected.

When supplements are used to help with weigh loss, they can be a valuable tool. However, if they aren't used along with other methods to lose weight, you're probably no going to see the results you are looking for.

The bottom line is supplements can be helpful, but they are not a miracle cure. - 17268

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