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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Demi Moores Raw Vegan Diet

By Jesse Regan

People, especially celebrity-watchers, must be amazed at how Demi Moore is able to keep herself fit and young looking. In her mid-forties, the actress has been able to flaunt herself in the sexiest bikini and still manage to grab the limelight from other celebrities who are only in their early twenties. In fact, having a much younger hunk for romantic partner for years now only proves the point even further.

The amazement can only generate peoples interest at how she did it in the first place. Just as she probably does, a lot of people are already sweating out in gyms. The difference though is not in the effort in doing workouts. What makes Demi Moores measures unique is that it involves an uncommon diet to complement her fitness routines. That distinct eating habit is her choice for raw and unprocessed food. Now, that is not something anyone would easily fall for just to get the fit and healthy body she desires.

You are not alone with your doubts about raw vegan dieting. Everyone has grown up with food fried, roasted, broiled, steamed or whatever preparation that employs cooking in fire. Yet, except for taste, no one can really assert that cooked food is healthy and that raw is not. Sanitarily, though, cooking is more advantageous. However, no one can still discount the claims of raw vegan diet enthusiasts. In short, a lot of people just think that eating raw food is just uncivilized.

Demi Moore, by her looks alone, can already convince anyone of the benefits of a raw vegan diet. Fresh vegetables are loaded with natural enzymes that are valuable in the human bodys continuous construction of cells. As long as cell generation is doing well, a person may always have a fresher and younger look. As a vegetarian diet, the risk of cardiovascular diseases brought about by high cholesterol is next to impossible. With fruits as its main source, the body may also have just the right amount of sugar it would need. Therefore, a raw vegan diet promotes a healthy and fit body.

Cooking food, especially vegetables, or processing it under high temperatures is said to kill the enzymes that are supposedly good to the human body. More so, the process may involve the use of oil, butter, cheese, and sugar. These ingredients are certified agents in providing cholesterol, which are not easily metabolized by the digestive system. Hence, cooked food can be unhealthy instead.

If you want to start with a raw vegan diet, some caution must be made. You might as well seek the help of someone who has been successful already in the program for a time. This person can coach you on what should be eaten and what should be avoided without making unnecessary sacrifices. They can also teach you how to prepare food, making it tasty without compromising its organic freshness.

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