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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Why Should You Drink Fresh Juice Every Day?

By Max Tain

Valuable for many people who want to get rid of health problems, fresh juice represents a very energetic and vitalizing food. Thus, fruit and vegetable juices are true purifiers of the body. If you combine several fruits and vegetables when preparing a fresh drink, you will provide to your body all the necessary nutrients.

Fresh juices regenerate the body, boosting the metabolism. They can be used to replace a diet based on solid food. By consuming natural juices on a regular basis, your body will become cleaner and healthier.

Is t possible to gain weight by consuming fresh juice? Nutritionists say it depends on what product you choose. If you opt for natural juices with a lower content of sugar, then you won't gain weight. Even more, this will act as a real weight loss diet, because fresh juices clean the body and help you to get rid of toxins. They are also a rich source of vitamin C. You don't have to consume a fresh juice every day, but it's better to do it as often as possible.

For a maximum effect, it's recommended to consume fresh juices immediately after preparation. The diuretic effect of fruit and vegetable juices influence favorably our health; at the same time, vitamins and natural sugars contained in fruits and some vegetables fortify the heart muscle, thereby increasing the power of contraction.

Tomato juice is rich in ascorbic acid, vitamin C, carotene, iron and potassium. This juice stimulates the digestive secretions, which is why it is consumes before meals as an appetizer. Tomato juice is a refreshing drink, with specific indications in anemia and convalescence.

Fresh juice can be consumed after ending your workout routine, because it boosts your energy.

A very good juice, which contains many active substances, is the carrot juice. Carrot juice is delicious, being appreciated by people of all ages. It is rich in vitamins A, B1, C, K and minerals: Ca, Fe, Mg, K and carotene. Vitamin A is very important when it comes about healing eye diseases.

Another nutritious and full of vitamins drink is the celery juice. It is a good diuretic, helping you to have a better digestion, by stimulating bile secretion.

Fruit juices are even more appreciated due to their special flavor. Orange juice is rich in vitamin C, helping you to fight against flu and fatigue. Besides its pleasant taste and nutrients, orange juice helps you to cure anemia and to get rid of toxins.

Apple juice contains several minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates and must be consumed in the morning.

Grape juice fights against cancer and reduces the risk of mental diseases due to its relaxing proprieties. This juice is also known as vegetarian milk, because of its ability to replace breast milk. - 17268

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