Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, September 28, 2009

How to Get a Six Pack in a Month

By James Statham

Do you want to shave of your belly fat and get cut abs? I'm going to reveal to you how to get a ripped six pack super quick, without having to break your back! Do you know that sit ups are useless if you want quick results? Read on for more tips.

Know this, we all have six packs! That's right, however, if you press down on your belly now, you'll probably feel a soft, spongy layer covering your abs. This is the layer of fat you need to get rid of if you ever want to get a six pack. I'm now going to show you what you need to know about how to get a ripped six pack.

You need to raise your metabolism, to burn fat quickly. Your metabolism determines how quickly your body burns calories whilst resting, so it's important to raise this. Do to this, target high intense compound exercises only. Compound exercises involve lots of different muscles, rather than targeting only one muscle area. This means your exercising more of your body and burning more fat! This is how to get a ripped six pack of your own by exercising, but you also need to be doing something else too.

I have to mention this, but unfortunately, you have to sort out your diet! You haven't got to starve yourself though, but you do have to cut down on all the rubbish foods you currently consume! If you don't then your only harming your chances of getting rid of that layer of fat. Also, try cutting down the size of your meals, but increase the frequency you are eating. If you do this, then you will be less likely to snack on rubbish foods, whilst giving your body a constant supply of nutrients.

Aim to eat foods that are high in protein. Protein is considered the essential part of building muscle, so you'll want to be making sure you include this in your diet. Foods such as meat, fish and eggs are all good. - 17268

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