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Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Benefits of Lifting Weights for Women

By Jesse Regan

You may think that the only place women can ever go to in a gym is that where the cardio equipment and the aerobics floor are. Just like many, you may also have the idea that she can actually join the men in lifting weights. If so, you belong to those whom time has left behind because, at present, women who spend time also with weight equipment are multiplying in number. The truth remains though that even some of the women themselves only strengthened wrong and sexist thoughts with the belief that weight training is purely for men.

Women who think that they should not lift weights usually presume that this routine can give them huge muscles as a result. They have the notion that building muscles is a masculine preoccupation and trying it is, apparently not at all womanly. One can blame this also on the thought that every time someone lifts weights; he or she is preparing to participate in a bodybuilding competition. However, women who have long been into lifting weights have attested they have felt much stronger and healthier while joining any competition such as weightlifting is farthest from their minds.

Lifting weights is a great way to lose fats. A great cardio workout program can do the same thing but complementing with a little weight lifting afterwards deny any chance of regaining weight. Dealing with the barbells and dumb bells can certainly hasten metabolism too. In addition, it enables a woman to replace the flab with muscles and appear toned instead of being skinny.

Regular and normal weight lifting has been helpful for women in avoiding osteoporosis and developing stronger bones. It has, in fact, been employed by them to complement their healthy habit of drinking milk and food supplements that are rich in calcium, which is necessary for enhancing the bones. Doctors have confirmed thru studies that regularly lifting weights for a couple of months is enough to increase the mineral density of the spinal bone significantly.

Aside from the bones, a woman can also develop her muscles and avoid suffering back pains, rheumatism, and arthritis with lifting weights often. She can, therefore, keep herself free from ailments that come with age for a longer period. She can also perform the routine in order to fight stress incurred from different factors, ranging from work to emotional problems. Women have claimed many times how invigorated they feel after a session of the routine.

To sum up, women who lift weights in a regular fashion build self-confidence and stable emotions. This occurs when chemicals within the body are discharged at the same time that the body applies force. According to psychological studies, these chemicals give a woman the sensations of wellness and joy, making them possible to get over any sign of depression, which others who do not lift weights cannot normally do.

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