Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, October 30, 2009

Hollywood Mom Reveals 7 Secrets for Safe Successful Weight Loss

By Dorthy Weatherbush

If you are a celebrity you have it easy don't you think? Imagine having personal chefs, fitness trainers along with diet and weight loss experts to guide you in trimming your unwanted fat. That's the life isn't it? Well, today it's your life because you are about to discover 7 simple secrets for healthy weight loss you favorite Hollywood stars don't want you to know.

1. In your effort to lose weight, it is vital that you stay far away from foods that may inflame your body's natural ability to burn calories. As I list many of the types of foods you should avoid, none will come as much of a surprise. First on the list are foods high in saturated fats. You will also want to stay away from sodas and other sugary drinks. Of course, pork is a big no, no. You should however eat darker colored fruits and vegetables on a routine basis, at least 4 times a week.

2. Increase your water intake. Water has been proven to be an incredible appetite suppressant. When you consume ample amounts of water you will eat less and burn more fat because your muscles are properly nourished.

3. Decrease your portion size. This is probably something you've joked about with friends but never really thought about. Have you ever noticed that if you go to a high priced fancy restaurant, they put less food on your plate than if you went down the street to the waffle house? Portion control is huge in weight loss. Another missing link in the weight loss game is how you eat. When eating you should take your time and focus on chewing each mouthful a minimum of 32 bites. The more you are able to chew your food, the easier it is for your stomach to break it down and burn it off.

4. No snacking. Are you one of those people who like to snack at midnight or in between meals? You need to stop snacking in between meals. If you cannot stop snacking then you need to choose something small and healthy like half of an apple and a bottle of water.

5. Get moving! Physical activity is essential in your weight loss routine. Dance, walk, or do housework. Whatever it takes and whatever you are able to do, begin it now. Exercise helps open up your air ways, arteries and blood vessels. Do you now understand why a star would hire a trainer to yell at them and tell them what to do even though they make more money? It's simple really. Bottom line, results.

6. Stars never shop for groceries when they are hungry. When you go to the grocery store when you are hungry then you buy more food and you also buy what looks good to you rather than what is good for you. If you want to lose weight then you also must shop smart also.

7. The final secret to losing weight is commitment. You must be able to fully commit to all of these steps in losing weight on a daily basis. If you are entirely committed you will watch the pounds shed off of your body and you will be healthier too.

Are you ready to live your best life now? If so, review the seven simple secrets above and begin to apply them today. It's not what you're going to do tomorrow that's going to build your muscle and slim down but rather what you are willing to do today. Timing is everything. Remember, start small and build your way up, even baby steps have momentum. . - 17268

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