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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Are Noni Juice Benefits Worthy Of Mention?

By Verity Ferris

Many different people have been claiming for the past twenty years that there are literally hundreds of Noni Juice benefits. Sorting fact from reality in these cases can be a bit difficult, as can be deciding if a benefit might actually help you. Moreover, it can be hard to see which benefits are being claimed by the various types of Noni Juices, from Hawaiian to Polynesian to the Tahiti variety and which are simply being claimed by Noni Juice in its most basic form.

For years, Southern Pacific islanders have used Noni Juice to maintain high quality, healthy skin, even in the face of the tough sun that shines day in and day out on their tiny islands. Now the research suggests that this might just be the case. In fact, many sufferers of serious on-going skin problems like acne are finding Noni Juice helps their skin conditions.

First of all, Noni (also called the Great Morinad) is a tree that grows on a lot of South Pacific and Polynesian islands. It's originally native to Southeast Asia, and can handle a wide range of soils. It flowers and fruits all year long, and the fruit is very pungent smelling as it ripens - it's sometimes called the 'cheese fruit' because of this. The fruit pulp is strained to remove the seeds and used for a lot of Indonesian and Polynesian cooking, and Noni juice benefits are well known in traditional Asian medicine.

Recent research suggests that noni root compounds contain natural sedative properties and may lower blood pressure. Biochemist, Dr Ralph Heinicke, asserts that proxeronine, an alkaloid precursor to a vital compound called xeronine, helps in the normalization of abnormally functioning cells. Heinicke claims that noni juice provides a safe and effective way to increase xeronine levels, which can be decreased by anger, stress, trauma, disease and injury.

Now, these compounds all have benefits, they all exist in other food products. The specific Noni juice benefits come from the fact that you get them in one dose with fewer calories.

As to the actual health benefits? Well, there's a laundry list to work from:

First of all, like all foods high in Vitamin C, Noni has a noticeable impact in improving liver function and protecting the liver from damage. Similarly, it helps the body create more T-Cells and is a good immune system booster. There is anecdotal evidence from Linus Pauling that large doses of Vitamin C can also act to help ward off viruses.

Emotional and mental well being- When taking noni it is suppose to rise your serotonin levels in your brain. Serotonin has been shown to boost your mood and sense of well being. When these serotonin levels are higher, they also help you to think clearer and be mentally sharper.

Because Noni juice has both anti-oxidants and a decent amount of fructose, it's got the same "wake you up and clear fatigue" benefits that a lot of the 'energy drinks' on the market do. (Fructose is the most easily absorbed sugar; getting fructose and anti-oxidants at the same time helps the absorption process go more quickly). Related to this, it appears that Noni juice (like a lot of other fruit juices) triggers serotonin release in the brain, making it a mood elevator.

In the end, Noni juice's benefits are substantial, and it's a good supplement. It's worth adding to your diet, but it's not an excuse to avoid your doctor, nor is it something you should over consume. It's not the secret of eternal youth; it's just a good dietary supplement, and given its benefits, that's enough. - 17268

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