Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Build Muscle Quick, How To Gain More Muscle With Less Effort

By Ryan M Hall

With just a little surfing on the internet you will come across millions of tips or tricks to build muscle quick. Of course, many of these supposed "miracle" tips just don't work. If you follow the advice given in this article, you will be able to easily build more muscle with less work.

With 3 easy steps, you can build lean muscle mass without committing hours to the gym.

1. Workout With More Intensity

It doesn't matter what kind of workout plan you are using for your weight loss, it is absolutely certain that you could benefit from working out with more intensity. Too many people go into the gym hoping that just lifting a few weights will give them a tight toned body. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. If you actually want to see big changes in your body and intend to gain muscle quick, you have to increase the intensity of your workout. Whether you accomplish this by increasing the number of reps you do or the weight you lift, or both, it is the only way you are going to build the body of your dreams. If you change nothing else the next time you hit the gym, increase the intensity of your workout and you will see massive changes. You can't just go through the motions of working out, you have to actually make your muscle work to build muscle fast.

2. Eat The Right Foods

Increasing your protein intake is the absolute best thing you can do to ensure you gain lean muscle mass. This means that you should eat more protein in the form of egg whites, chicken breasts or fish at almost every meal. Of these protein sources, fish is the healthiest because it contains fatty acids that aid in muscle building and fat loss called Omega 3's. Fish is also very low in bad fat and fast carbohydrates. To get the best results from your diet, be sure to eat protein at every meal.

3. Get More Rest

Not only is sleeping at night important, but getting enough rest between workouts is important too. There are too many people at the gym over working their muscles because they think they have to workout every single day. This usually leads to muscle fatigue. If you make a habit of over working your body this way, you actually reverse your muscle building efforts. You have to get enough rest between workouts if you want to gain muscle quickly. Pushing your muscles too hard and subscribing to the "No Pain, No Gain" attitude will not get you the lean muscle mass quickly.

If you want to build muscle quickly, you have to make some changes to your diet and exercise plan. These simple changes will give you the results you deserve. - 17268

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