Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Choosing Between HCG Injections of HCG Drops

By Amelia Handley

Deciding to use HCG to lose weight isn't really a difficult choice. But that's not where the decision making ends. Losing an average of a pound per day sounds fabulous and most who are looking for weight loss don't have trouble choosing HCG. But there's still the choice of HCG injections (taken daily) or HCG drops (taken three times per day orally).

To decide between the two most just need to hold them up side by side and compare. Both offer fantastic weight loss results. There's no difference there. An average of a pound per day and sometimes up to 2 pounds per day are unarguably great results. Some wonder why there are two methods when they offer the same results.

The original HCG weight loss method was created and introduced by Dr. Simeon. His original plan was based around the use of HCG injections. And supporters of the injection often suggest that they are sticking to the original plan as intended by its creator. But they are not considering the obvious evolution that has occurred in the 50 years since the introduction of the process.

Another negative injection supporters point out is that the drops have to be taken three times per day and they have to be refrigerated. But this doesn't seem like a huge hassle in comparison to the fact that injections require actually taking needles and shooting the HCG intramuscularly on a daily basis. The bigger hassle seems obvious when they are presented side by side.

Supporters of HCG drops suggest that the actual injection alters the "all natural" component of the method. Injections often result in temporary discomfort and bruising. While the drops leave no evidence of having been taken at all and no one can argue that they offer even the slightest pain.

So the question of HCG injections or HCG drops will continue to be thrown about, but the answer is pretty obvious; at least to those of us who see the all natural claims as an important benefit of the program. But whether dieters choose injections or drops doesn't really matter in the long run...the weight will be lost either way and that's the important part. - 17268

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