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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Five Body Building Tips To Pump Up Your Muscles

By Ricardo d Argence

If you want to maximize your muscle gain when you lift weights then you need to lift the weights correctly. Good form gets good results. Be sure to allow your body plenty of time to make progress before becoming discouraged. Give yourself four months of dedicated commitment and you will see the results you are after. Set your goals and stick to them. The following five weight training tips may help.

If you are new to weight training, do not rush into the gym and start throwing around weights until you know what you are doing. Seek advice from a staff member on the correct technique to use and the routine that would work best for you. Ask them for some weight training tips that will help you get quick results and spare you from injury.

It's also a good idea to keep records of your repetitions and weight used so you can track your progress and plan your routines.

1. Set Your Goals: Having goals keeps you focused and helps you stay motivated. Be realistic in your goals so they are achievable. Set several short-term goals that you can easily achieve on your path to your end goal of maxed out muscles.

When you achieve a short-term goal, have a celebration, then head back to the gym and keep plugging away towards your end goal. Having many easily achievable short phase goals along the way will motivate you to train hard.

Work backwards from your end goal to help you determine your mini-goals. For example, if you hope to gain 50 pounds in a year from weight training, then set a goal to gain five pounds in your first month.

2. Make A Vow: Do not let lack of commitment be the reason you fail to pack on muscle. Do not let confusion lead to lack of commitment. Get a hold of a good weight training course so you have a step-by-step plan to follow on your way to achieving your muscle building goals.

Choose a weight training system that is in alignment with your end goal whatever that may be. It will save you a lot of uncertainty plus you can feel confident you are going about your muscle-add program in the right way and will achieve results as long as you stick to it.

3. Learning: For the most effective workout, learn all you can about bodybuilding and how exercises affect your muscles. Knowledge is power when it comes to getting ripped muscles. There is much to learn and most people have no idea how to go about it. Becoming knowledgeable could mean the difference between having a sculpted body at the end of six months and barely being able to see any progress. Sources of information are readily available in books, on the internet, and in weight training courses put together by experts.

4. Proper Technique: A torn muscle hurts and it delays your progress. Using good form eliminates the risk of injury while weight training. However, proper technique has a more important benefit than safety and that is muscle gain. To pack on muscle weight, you have to lift weights using proper form.

It is not as simple as lifting as much weight as you can bear, because too much weight causes you to lose proper form. Only use the max amount of weight you can handle while still maintaining proper technique and you will have optimal results.

5. Development: Take your muscle development step by step in a logical manner. You will not gain 50 pounds of muscle in a month and you do not want to develop maxed out arms and neglect your legs. Gear your weight training workout in such a way that your whole body is enhanced by your muscle building workouts. Keep these five weight training tips in mind when you hit the gym for your next workout and maybe they can help you get the best results. - 17268

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