Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, October 19, 2009

How Nutrients Get Stored As Fat

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Unless you are willing to accept the dangers and risks of ketosis, your fat loss plan should include a balanced diet. Why? Because a balanced diet will give you more energy per calories consumed.

Even if you have the most balanced diet, however, fat storage can still take place. So it will be good for you to understand how different macro nutrients get processed in your body once consumed.

So without further delay, here is how nutrients get stored as fat in your body:

1. Bread, pasta, cereal. All types of carbohydrates, these foods well eventually be broken down into molecules of sugar before entering your blood stream. From there, they will be stored as glycogen and once glycogen levels are full, as fat.

2. Olive oil, nuts, spreads. All types of fat, they get broken down into fatty acids and glycerol. Fat that gets stored under your skin and gives you the flabby look is stored in the form of triglycerides. Make sure you do not skimp here, however, because substantial fat is needed to optimize your fat burning hormonal profile.

3. Protein. All protein is broken down to simpler units called amino acids. Once digested, these amino acids are reassembled and will form lean muscle tissue ONLY in a person who is exercising. Excess amino acids will have their nitrogen stripped away and will be burned as energy or stored as fat?

4. Alcohol. The thorn in your fat loss spine, alcohol is usually absorbed without any break down and is converted to excess body fat with ease. It will also slow down the rate at which your body burns fat. Even worse, it leads to the worst kind of fat storage: visceral fat.

Optimally, you want all the food you eat to be stored as either glycogen or protein in the form of lean tissue. Unfortunately, these stores get filled up very quickly and any excess goes to fat storage. And recall that fat stores have unlimited accumulation capacity.

Contrary to what many experts claim, excess dietary protein (or any macro nutrient) WILL be stored as body fat. So the key to any successful fat loss plan is the consumption of a balanced diet with a net negative caloric intake. Oh, and do not forget to avoid alcohol! - 17268

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