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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fructose Intolerance is as Big a Problem as Lactose Intolerance

By Kathryn Barry

Fructose Intolerance is just like lactose intolerance, where sugars are not properly digested in your small intestine.

Fructose needs a specific enzyme in order to be used by your body and when your body lacks this enzyme fructose will be useless to your body.

As this sugar ferments when it reaches your large intestine, you will probably experience gas, bloating, diarrhea and pain in your abdominal area.

Fructose Intolerance is much more common than previously thought.

What is Fructose Sugar?

Fructose is classified as a simple sugar. All fruits contain this sugar, most vegetables, practically all sweeteners, and grains such as wheat.

Your favorite sweeteners high in this sugar would be high fructose corn syrup, fructose sugar, invert sugar, sucrose, honey, agave syrup, fruit juice concentrate, and maple syrup.

Fructose Can Create Fatty Acids

After being absorbed through your small intestine, fructose goes directly to your liver to be processed into glucose.

However, if your body does not require anymore glucose at the moment, the fructose will get turned into glycogen instead of glucose.

Glycogen is converted into glucose when your body requires more energy and when glucose levels in your blood sugar drop.

But, your liver can only store so much glycogen at one time and will be forced to convert the remaining fructose into triglycerides or fatty acids.

Fructose is metabolized to fat much easier because no other cells or organ in your body can metabolize fructose.

This means that when you over consume foods high in fructose, you are more likely to see an increase in body fat.

Fructose Health Concerns and Issues

Your triglyceride levels, LDL cholesterol levels, and your risk for cardiovascular disease increases along with the fructose you consume.

Fructose is perhaps 10 times worse than glucose in the production of AGEs or Advanced Glycation End Products in our bodies.

The first thing that eating fructose does is cause an increase in uric acid.

Fructose is also associated with high blood pressure and hypertension problems.

Insulin resistance is a result of high fructose intake diets which produce too much insulin.

Increases your risk of contracting Diabetes.

How to Best Deal with Fructose Intolerance

Figuring out how intolerant you are to this sugar will determine how much you can ingest without creating major problems.

Taking a Breath Hydrogen Test can determine if you are intolerant to this sugar and other sugars.

For really sensitive people, a fructose free diet may be in order.

The greatest threat is consuming soft drinks and desserts with high amounts of fructose or high fructose corn syrup. - 17268

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