Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, October 25, 2009

How To Crash Diet Successfully

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Drastic dieting is not easy and can have some serious consequences. Having said that, I understand that countless people will make the decision to go on a crazy diet regardless. Hence, I have decided to provide some key tips on how to minimize the damage.

Why is crash dieting so bad for you? I would say the biggest drawback is the rebound weight gain that can happen afterwards. This rebound usually leaves the crash dieter heavier than before.

So without further ado, here are some guidelines for extreme dieting:

1. Learn how to ramp off. You cannot just stop a crash diet and immediately resume eating the way you used to. Enzyme up-regulation and a morphed metabolism will make you regain weight at an accelerated rate. Instead, you have to slowly transition out of the diet.

2. Supplement. You will have to supplement your diet with a high quality multivitamin. Do your research and buy the best one you can get.

3. Do your most important work when you are most alert. Because of circadian rhythm alerting, there are two times during the day when your levels of alertness peak. Identify these times and do your most important work when alertness is at its highest.

4. Distract yourself. Use distraction when the hunger begins to scream. I knew one elite wrestler that would chew ice and play intense video game sessions during the most challenging dieting lows.

5. Accept that there will be a rebound. No matter how well you transition off of your diet, there will be a certain degree of weight gain rebound. Expect this and do not get frustrated when it happens.

6. Avoid long term dieting. This has the potential to seriously damage your body. Do not do an extreme diet for extended periods of time.

Crash dieting is very tough. And in most cases it is not worth it. Nevertheless, if you decide to go on an extreme diet please follow the tips in this article so that you can minimize the damage. - 17268

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