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Saturday, October 3, 2009

IBS Nausea - A Surprisingly Simple Way To Eliminate This Troubling Symptom Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

By Alison Harris

What if you could get rid of the painful and uncomfortable feeling of nausea that comes with irritable bowel syndrome? How differently would you live from day to day knowing that you never have to deal with the IBS again? This article will reveal some simple strategies that will make living ibs free a reality.

Finding the exact cause of nausea in IBS sufferers can be difficult because each person have his or her own individual triggers. The result is that what triggers the nausea in person A is not likely to be what triggers the same symptom in person B.

It is therefore very important that if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome that you know the foods and events trigger your symptoms. One of the best ways to achieve this is to keep a food and symptoms diary.

You simply note down everything you eat on a daily basis for about two to four weeks and also note what symptoms you get and when you get them.

But what is Irritable Bowel Syndrome? It is as a functional disorder of the digestive system. This means that the digestive system of the sufferer is not functioning normally as it should although there are no identifiable physical causes or reasons to explain why.

So if you were to take a peek inside the digestive system of a sufferer it would look perfectly normal and without any defects.

Apart from IBS nausea, other common symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome include bloating, flatulence, constipation or/and diarrhea, abdominal pain and spastic contractions of the colon.

We discussed earlier it was important for you to know what your triggers are because prescription drugs such as anticholinergics only mask the symptoms of the ailment, once you stop taking the drugs, the symptoms return and usually with a vengeance.

The second thing you can do to get rid of your IBS Nausea is to use pure peppermint oil. Peppermint is known to have anti-spasmodic action and analgesic (pain-killing) properties to help soothe your digestive tract, ease any tightness relieve abdominal pain, and stop you from feeling nauseous. - 17268

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