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Friday, October 2, 2009

The Significance of Proper Diet and Exercise

By Jesse Regan

There can be many reasons why you should be thankful for high technology. If it not had been for its advance a great number of things, from transportation to communication, would have remained inconvenient. It has provided you with gigantic flat screen TV, which you can watch for hours while sitting lazily in your sofa. It has even made your desk job so easy with your computer just as it did for the manufacturing sector with automation. With almost everything done with push buttons, people have become inert enough to gain weight easily.

That alone is bad news but what even worsens it is type of food many people prefer to eat. Most of todays food can no longer seem to do without ingredients with inorganic origins. What are most prominent; however, are the generous servings of fat and sugar in every meal. These two happen to be the main causes for heart diseases and diabetes yet still many people cannot let go of these. It is only when they reach their forties that they realize how their neglect for good eating habits has badly affected their health, which in some cases are too late.

Fortunately, many suggestions and methods are already out to avoid obesity and coronary diseases. The main solution is physical fitness. For a slim appearance, some people have opted for slimming pills and other kinds of food supplements. You may think these provide the easy ways but wait until you hear some bad stories about these. These are mostly artificial means and can produce undesired effects on the body. Besides, these may just make a person slim and not necessarily fit.

The safest and yet sure-fire ways of getting a fit and healthy body is through proper diet and exercise. These do not require someone to take pills or to go under the knife. These introduce a person to a healthier lifestyle and encourage them to turn away from inactivity and poor eating habits. To get results rapidly, both should be complementing each other.

Proper diet does not merely impose limits on the individuals amount of food intake. In fact, it gives primary importance to what one should eat to stay fit. These include food with enough proteins, good cholesterol, and vitamins and nutrients. Of course, some types of food should be avoided such as those heavy with fat, salt, and sugar. Dieting also does not mean skipping meals. Instead, it allows one to eat regularly but only the food allowed at moderate amounts.

Exercise is needed to burn cholesterol and to hasten weight reduction. Workout routines like the cardio and weight training require the body to use up so much energy, which means spending most of its fats as fuel. Cardio routines are most effective in weight loss and builds up ones endurance. Weight training, on the other hand, develops the bodys physical strength. It aids in toning the muscles to replace the fat lost. One should take some caution though in performing some routines to avoid injuries.

These are just a few golden nuggets about diet you can find online. - 17268

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