Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, October 2, 2009

You Should Not Be Doing Crunches - Washington, DC Fitness Coach Tells You Why

By Josef Brandenburg

You will often find that a Washington, DC fitness coach would not recommend that you do crunches. Why? Because they are not going to help you get your perfect abs. Although everyone who wants great abs seems to be doing them, they are probably not getting the results you think they are getting.

People just can't stop telling about what they think is the best way to get a flat stomach and strong abs, but just because everyone gives you the same information, doesn't make it the right information. Here are a few reasons why they are wrong about crunches.

1. You need to leave behind your misconception that abdominal crunches are going to be of any use to you. If you are looking for flat abs and you want to display a 4, 6 or 8 pack, you have to get rid of the thick layer of fat on your stomach that hides the natural abs that you were born with by following a good weight loss program.

2. Another truth about crunches which you might not know is that the position in which your body is placed while doing crunches is not at all convenient and puts a lot of pressure on your back, which can have adverse effects on your posture.

3. There is a lot of wrong information floating around so, if you are looking for both protection to your back and perfect results for your abs, then talk to your Washington, DC fitness coach, because crunches do not do your back any good, especially when they are not done right.

So, What Do You Do?

As mentioned, the first step is to start working a fat loss program. A good Washington, DC fitness coach is available to help you to accomplish these goals. When you work to burn off that fat, you allow your abs to actually shine right on through, without the use of any type of crunch.

Your internal weight belt also needs to be taken into consideration. In case you don't know what that is, your internal weight belt is made up of the muscles that support your lower back as they tighten inwards when you are moving or lifting. Properly functioning core muscles ensures that your weight belt turns on automatically when needed whether you think about it or not. A fat belly is the result of weak muscles.

The bottom line: crunches are not going to provide you with those six pack abs that you are interested in. Instead, it is highly recommended that you work with a Washington, DC fitness coach who can help you to create a plan to improve those core muscles and lose the weight that is shielding your abdominal muscles. - 17268

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