Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Moms and Dads and HCG

By Amelia Handley

The number of adults who suffer from obesity have been rising drastically throughout the last several decades. We're aware of this and as a whole...we don't seem too worried about finding a solution in the near future. But adults aren't the only ones suffering. The percentage of children suffering from obesity is also on the rise.

Things just aren't the way they used to eat a lot of ready made meals. There are a lot of latch key kids out there that are taking care of their own meal preparation resulting in a lot of meals out of a box. Most kids left to fend for themselves just don't have the know how or the desire to put together healthy after school snacks or a healthy dinner.

Kids are also spending a lot more time inside in comparison to "back in the day." Parents aren't comfortable sending their kids to "play outside." There are safety issues that can't be ignored. There are many who don't have an "outside" to refer to because they live in the middle of the city with little or no safe, outdoor recreational areas. Carefree, roaming kids are a thing of the past because it's just not safe to send kids out unchaperoned anymore.

Considering seems only natural that our children are having higher and higher percentages of obesity as the years pass. Parents with children struggling with their weight often don't feel they have the ability to aid them as their child is spending two out of three meals at school. The only meal left in the parent's strict control is dinner. And even then...many parents just don't know how to prepare a healthy, low fat meal. And some find that they just don't have the time.

HCG Diet Direct urges dieters to share their new knowledge of healthy foods with their entire families. Family members not on the diet should not be limited when it comes to portion size and they shouldn't be required to limit their intake to the items on the HCG approved food list, but incorporating HCG approved foods into the diet of other family members is a great idea and can only benefit the spouse and children of the dieter.

First, you get to enjoy time together as a family during meals when you're all eating together. There are countless studies that point out the widely varied positive results of spending meal times as a family. Second, parents can teach by example. If kids see their parents enjoying healthy foods they are more likely to see it as a viable option in their own lives. And third, children will become accustomed to eating healthy foods. The general rule of thumb is to serve a dish 3 times and even if it wasn't particularly enjoyed the first's typically fully incorporated after the third introduction. Teaching kids to know and enjoy healthy foods will go a long way towards eliminating the issue of obesity; and its an issue that is best nipped in the bud. - 17268

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