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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ten Steps to Reduce Bruising, Step 6 - Getting the Proper Nutrients!

By Carolyn Cooper

Even though we may begin bruising easily more as we get older, we do not have to accept that condition. When you are researching means to prevent bruising, you will learn that there are a variety of supplements available that can us with some benefits. The question then becomes determining which ones will work for the best for us individually. For many people, adding bioflavonoids and bilberry supplements to our daily regimen is an excellent way to help control our easy bruising.

Easy bruising is something that happens so much more easily as we age, due to a combination of factors. For some people, it has to do with the way that their skin is more fragile and now contains less collagen, while for other people, it has more to do with the fact that the walls of their blood vessels are more frail than they were before and more prone to breakage. When you have a rough idea of why you might be bruising so frequently, look for a supplement that provides you with results.

Even before you can pronounce the name, you need to determine what bioflavonoids actually are. Bioflavonoids are basically just plant pigments that can be dissolved in water, with about 4,000 of them that have been named to date. They are present in a variety of plant products including, grape seeds, teas, apples, grains, nuts and more. When you add bioflavonoids into your diet, you will be taking positive steps toward becoming a healthier person.

Bioflavonoids contain significant anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, and antiviral properties. This means that bioflavonoids can help enhance your general health, and the anti-inflammatory properties can provide significant benefits to keeping your circulatory system operating optimally, and this benefit will enhance your healing capabilities. Reduced bruising and reduced muscle sprains are other benefits gained by adding bioflavonoids to your daily routine.

One great source of bioflavonoids is the bilberry, which is a group of fruit bearing, shrub-like plants. Not only are bilberries delicious, they are often used as a treatment for everything from inflammation to illness. It will prevent your arteries from hardening, and you will discover that it can also help you control your blood pressure.

Consider natural supplements of bilberry to help reduce bruising easily, because you can easily obtain it in a number of different forms. Keep in mind that supplements are probably the best form to use because consistently locating fresh fruit can be problematic. Health food and supplement stores generally always have bilberry supplements, so just visit your local health food store and determine how they can provide you with what you need.

People do not have to simply accept easy bruising as they age as an incurable condition. By using the proper information that is available to them, they can overcome their bruising easily condition and change it to a fading memory.

Prepare a plan on how you are going to use bilberry and bioflavonoids properly to help overcome your easy bruising. Instead of trying to formulate the proper quantities of these two nutrients consider adding a unique daily supplement program like Bruises Be Banned which contains the proper amounts of bilberry and bioflavonoids along with other essential vitamins and minerals so that you can finally really reduce bruising altogether. - 17268

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