Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Using Olympic Weight Sets For Body Sculpting

By Jennifer Richard

Most people think of Olympic weight sets as tools that are only used by individuals who do heavy weight lifting exercises. While these sets are equipped for overall strength training and weight lifting training they are also excellent tools for body sculpting and toning areas of the body that other exercise methods may not reach.

For many people who are caught up in a very fast paced lifestyle the need to bring their gym home instead of taking time out to exercise is very important. The first step to accomplishing the task of creating an effective home gym is to include Ollympic weight sets into the package of items that are considered. The basic package of plates in the Olympic weight sets include two each of two and one-half pound weights, five pound weight plates, ten pound weight plates, twenty-five pound weight plates, thirty-five pound weight plates and forty-five pound weight plates. These plates can be used all together and create a three hundred pound weight that will be lifted on the seven foot bar.

When a person is setting up a gym they will find that they are able to achieve the same results with the equipment they use in their home as what they get at a gym. The difference is that the home equipment and weights are set up specific to an individual's needs and are not changed each time the equipment is used by a different person.

The standard weight set comes with a seven foot bar and weight plates that are made of cast iron. Some of these weight plates are manufactured with rubber so that they are easier to grip and place on the bar. Included in the set are collars which hold the weights on the bar securely.

When an individual is ready to add accessories or other equipment to their Olympic weight sets there are many types of equipment that can be purchased. Each piece of equipment focuses on a specific part of the body. There are exercise equipment parts that can be purchased that provide overall weight and strengthening for the body, however buying the equipment for a specific body part shows quicker results.

When doing bench presses or overhead lifts with weights it is important to have a partner or spotter present to assist if the hands slip or the weight becomes too heavy to control. This is a safety precaution that many experienced weight lifters employ regularly.

Toning and sculpting specific parts of the body often does not require excessive amounts of weight to accomplish. An individual can begin using the smaller weight plates of two and one half pounds and work up to more weight as their strength and endurance increases.

When toning and sculpting is done by women there are often different areas that are the primary focus for training. Using Olympic weight sets allows women to focus on those areas and achieve faster results than they would get by doing exercises that did not include weights in the program. Many times women will find that they lose inches before they lose pounds. This is because as the muscle becomes more toned and gains inches, the weight and inches are being distributed more evenly throughout the body. - 17268

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