Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, October 12, 2009

Body Builders Know How To Track Their Training Program

By Tony Gates

Many body builders or should I say beginners doesn't really know how to track their own program. Reason is, you can work out 30 minutes to 1 hour a day for every day and not know exactly what's happening in your body. That's called efficiency. Now lets look at effectively, which means you know exactly what's going on with everything you are doing and the progress that you yearn for. The first thing to do in any real body building is to find a program that fits exactly to how you want to look like or feel. Then, you need to learn how to track that progress even before you start so you can see the results after completion of set goals.

These are some of the things you will definitely want to track if you are serious about effective work outs.

Weight - Weighing your self on a regular basis, let's say once or twice a week is good. Make sure you are on a flat ground level. The best time to weigh yourself is in the morning when you first wake up since that is the time when you haven't ate anything yet but do it after you've urinated.

Measuring Body Fat - Body fat is the main reason we feel unhealthy or feel uncomfortable. After replacing the fat with muscle you should already have a good tool to record the progress. Under 10% body fat is good but serious body builders will aim for a low averaging 5% body fat.

Lean Body Mass - Calculating lean body mass will help you realize how many percent of your body is fat and what percent is actual muscle.

Measuring The Body - To measure the parts on the body is to seek for progress. If quadriceps are what you been working hard on, take out a flexible measurement and measure it. It can be anything that you want to measure but make sure you remember to record the progress.

Recording Photos - Photos might not seem like it's a big concern in body building. That's okay, the main goal we're after here is precise recording of progress. This is not to know how healthy you are, it's so you can smile when you see how fat you were to how good looking you are now! - 17268

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