Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Weight Loss Hormones Exposed

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

When it comes to supplements for weight loss, the selection is quite varied. And the risks are varied as well. And the supplements that can really damage your health can be bought by virtually anybody with an internet connection.

How did this come to be? Well, in the US, the government deregulated the supplement industry and opened the flood gates. And there are also countless companies overseas that specialize in selling extremely powerful hormones that are protected under the umbrella of research use.

Thus without further ado, here are some weight loss hormones exposed:

1. Anabolic steroids. Despite what some people in the medical community say, steroids work. Period. However, they have some very serious consequences. Heavy users experience serious alterations in their endocrine system. They can exhibit deep cognitive changes, liver damage, long term joint degradation, etc.

2. Testosterone precursors. Milder forms of steroids, these supplements were commonly used by athletes under the pretense that they were legal. Well, the government has now banned these supplements but you can still get them online.

3. HGH. Often used in anti aging clinics around the world, human growth hormone truly is the fountain of youth. But if you supplement with it you can get acromegaly, also known as gigantism. Not to mention the unrestrained organ growth.

4. Thyroid boosters. Not too long ago there were some thyroid boosters that hit the market. Anything that stimulates the thyroid will increase metabolism (i.e., calories burned). Unfortunately, such supplements can have dire consequences for the heart.

5. Pills. There are many companies claiming to be able to boost hormone production with their herbal formulations. None of these formulations, however, actually work. You are better served saving your money.

The lack of oversight for supplement companies and companies on the internet has led to a proliferation of dangerous and innocuous products. Now most of the supplements reviewed in this article can seriously damage your endocrine system. So please think twice if you are considering going to the dark side of weight loss. - 17268

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