Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Whole Wheat Pancakes Taste Better With Fruit

By Jamis Hartley

Healthy eating is a good way to get your body in shape, to lose unwanted pounds and to get the overall good health that you're trying to achieve. What better way to offer those benefits to yourself than whole wheat products? Whole wheat pancakes offer a great nutty flavor that is well complimented by fruit or other healthy and natural sweeteners.

Whole wheat pancakes are a perfect way to get a huge healthy dose of essential vitamins and minerals. Whole wheat pancakes with fruit is the perfect way to enjoy the healthy dose of all that good stuff. It makes it delicious for breakfast or even a quick and easy meal for dinner.

Adding anything to sweeten naturally to the whole wheat pancakes rather than using the processed syrups is a good way to lower the sugar content that you take in and still provide a great taste. It will also add a super taste to your healthier whole wheat pancakes that makes them seem even more like a treat.

Try something like blueberries or raspberries heated with a few teaspoons of lemon and a couple teaspoons of natural cane sugar. The warm topping comes with a lot less sugar than the high fructose corn syrup alternative and is so inviting on a cool morning. It will soak into your whole wheat pancake creating a great taste and texture.

Here is a great recommended recipe: Use blue berries or raspberries or whatever berry you like and add five tablespoons of lemon juice and heat to boiling. Stir in one third cup cane sugar or equivalent in sugar substitute if you have it. Let the mixture simmer for about 10 minutes until it starts getting a little thicker. Remove from heat and serve.

The warmed fruit over the fluffy whole wheat pancakes is a wonderful way to start any day, but on a snowy morning it absolutely shines. The kitchen is scented with the smells of cooking and you're going to get a lot of visitors in and out asking "Is it ready yet?" When breakfast is whole wheat pancakes and warm fruit, who's going to skip a meal?

Whole wheat pancakes are a healthy, more natural way to start your morning. The advantages of whole wheat to your health are well known. Offer them to your own family and make breakfast an event that everyone looks forward to.

A breakfast event that features warm whole wheat pancakes and fruit topping becomes an event that the entire family looks forward to, even if you only do it on the weekends. The health of your family benefits from the whole wheat pancakes--the health of your family unit benefits from breakfast together. - 17268

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