Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

3 Workouts You Need for Great Legs

By Ricardo d Argence

Men and women all around the world put a certain amount of emphasis on having great legs. It's not surprising that many of them spend hours in the gym working to obtain great form.

Unfortunately you shouldn't workout longer than 45 minutes. The idea is that you want to have the best results from your workout. If you exercise too long you can end up giving all of it back and end up working out for show. This is why experts encourage you to stick to a 45 minute regimen.

The post regimen is important as well. We recommend eating within 90 minutes of working out so you can allow the body to recover fully.

By delaying for more than 90 minutes your body you end up loosing muscle instead of gaining. The following are some effective exercises for your legs.

Squats- Almost everyone likes to do squats, and the benefits are plentiful. You can work your hamstrings, quads, and buttocks. In fact, there aren't really a lot of exercises that guarantee leg muscle results like squats do.

The best approach is to stand with your feet apart, knees slightly bent, abs tight, and shoulders down while relaxed. We also recommend keeping your head and neck straight to allow for natural alignment.

Bend until your knees form a 90 degree angle. Make sure you don't lean forward either. If you do, too much pressure will be put on your knees which can result in injury. Your knee joints and lower back can be easily hurt in the process. So try to ensure that your posture is straight at all times.

Just pretend like there is a stool behind you to sit on. You can hold the position for a one count, and then slowly raise up. The knees should remain within the range of your toes at all times. When you have the technique down, just continue the process until your rep goals are met.

Romanian Deadlift- When you use this exercise you will be targeting the hamstrings and glutes. Choose a barbell or set of dumbbells and hold them a little farther apart than shoulder grip. Also make sure your knees slightly bent and push back your hips. During this exercise it's important to keep your back straight throughout the exercise. We also recommend a controlled approach.

While standing tall, lower the bar while pushing the hips back and bending the knees. Even though these traits are important, don't forget to breathe. Take a deep breath at the start of the movement, hold it while the bar is below your knees, and exhale as the bar comes up. You may need some assistance when doing the Romanian Deadlift, so don't be afraid to get it.

Calve Raises- When you do calve raises, keep your feet spread apart and your hands are placed on your hips. Again, posture is important. Your head and neck should be erect, while raising your heels until you feel the squeeze in the calf muscles. Hold a one count, then lower slowly.

You can see that even simple exercises can be complex. However, if you can simply pay attention to your movements, the results will be more noticeable. Oh, and no matter what one you use, we recommend eating before working out. Then of course you should think about engaging in sufficient resistance training and rest. - 17268

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