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Friday, November 13, 2009

Best Six Pack Abs Workouts

By Chris Frost

The most common questions asked of fitness professionals are about the best six pack abs workouts. People want to know how to get perfect abs, how to get rid of belly fat and what the best lower abdominal workout is.

Late night infomercials feature numerous products, all promising amazing abs, but unfortunately there is no quick fix or magic pill to get a six pack. Excess body fat and flabby muscle takes some time to develop, and reversing the situation requires more than a fancy product.

The truth is that the best six pack workout consists of a combination of diet, fitness and muscle strength, together with commitment, a positive attitude and firm goals.

The first step is to look at where you are currently and where you want to be as far as your abs are concerned. You need to know where you are starting from in order to know what you need to do to get to your goal. Set measurable, achievable goals with a pre-determined time frame.

Now you have your firm goal, you must believe that you can do it. Get your head right and choose a positive attitude every day. Extra positive reinforcement in the way of inspirational sayings and pictures, progress photos, pictures of great abs etc will help you. Any professional athlete will tell you how important it is to keep your head in the right space.

Your daily diet is next on the list - you need protein to build muscle, low GI carbs for energy to burn fat, lots of veggies to give you vital vitamins and minerals. Include whole grains, beans and legumes for the important B group vitamins, protein and fiber, low fat dairy for calcium and vitamins and good fats for your essential fatty acids. Each meal should be 20% protein and a range of colorful vegetables should take up half your dinner plate. Regular snacks will prevent you feeling hungry; use protein foods by making fruit smoothies on low fat dairy or soy, and add nuts and yogurt.

Cardio exercise burns body fat - start slowly with walking, swimming or cycling, and gradually build up the intensity and duration. Vary the activities so you work muscles in different ways, and make sure you warm up and cool down properly to avoid injury. Introduce interval training by changing the intensity of your workout with short bursts of intensity several times in a session.

To achieve your six pack, you need to do a variety of abdominal-specific exercise and core strength activities. Lower abdominal workouts include leg raising exercises; upper abs need trunk raising moves; trunk twisting will strengthen the oblique abdominals. You will need to increase the intensity of your abs workouts by adding weights or other resistance.

There are strengthening exercises that you can do at home - bicycle legs, planks, V-sits and twisted crunches. Do 15 - 30 minutes daily at home and add 2 - 3 weights sessions at the gym each week. Alternate the sequence of exercises to increase the effectiveness of the best six pack abs workout and you will discover this is how to get perfect abs. - 17268

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