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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Juicer Recipes - Juicing Benefits

By Darren Haynes

Juicing is an easy way to provide yourself with a high level of quality nutrition. It is a practice taken up by many people who are health conscious, who claim how great it is. So what is it about juicing we all rave about?

Three reasons that juicing is so beneficial are:

1) Juice requires little digestion so all the nutrition is quickly absorbed into your body

2) Juicing requires you to use more fruits and/or vegetables that you could eat in a day resulting in a drink that is densely packed with vitamins, minerals and other plant nutrients.

3) Detoxify your liver

The following points are some of the health benefits received from juicing:

Improves the heart and cardiovascular systems:

- Antioxidants vitamins E and C help to prevent damage from free radicals on arteries by preventing your blood from sticking and clotting. They also keep the blood non-toxic. Vitamin C is found in most vegetables and fruit and vitamin E is found in blackberries, asparagus, kiwi and spinach used in juicer recipes.

- Blackberries are also a good source for potassium and magnesium which are essential for proper heart function and regularizing the heart beat.

Detoxifying the liver " this is fundamental for good health:

- The liver performs 100's of essential functions. Cleaning blood and removing toxins and metabolic waste is one of its main functions. It is extremely important to keep our liver clean so it can do its job keeping us clean and the way to do this is to remove the toxins we deal with everyday.

- Certain nutrients are needed for liver cleansing. Antioxidants beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, and N-acetyl cysteine are potent liver cleansers. In addition, B-vitamins riboflavin and niacin also aid liver cleansing. Cabbage, brussel sprouts and cauliflower have been found to be great for the liver.

- Helps with hair, nails, skin, and eyes:

- The antioxidants vitamins E and C prevent damage to the skin from the sun because of their ability to neutralize free radicals. Juicing blueberries and blackberries will give you a great source of both vitamins C and E if used together.

- A deficiency in riboflavin (vitamin B2) can cause cracked lips, hair loss, dermatitis, greasy looking skin and other skin problems. Putting kale, spinach, and asparagus in your juices will provide you with vitamin B2.

- Vitamin A is the most important nutrient for healthy eyes, but it is not found in plants. Orange colored vegetables and fruits carry beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is processed by the body and turned into vitamin A. Vitamin A is important for the retina and to help prevent night blindness. Vitamins A and C both reduce the risk for AMD or age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. The best source for both of these vitamins is carrot juice.

Blood cell rebuilding:

- Yes that is correct! It is possible to rebuild blood cells by the amazingly healthy chlorophyll which has so many health benefits that it deserves its own article!

Under a microscope, chlorophyll looks almost identical a component of the red blood cell called hemin. When you assimilate chlorophyll, scientists have discovered that by way of a chemical shift, the chlorophyll actually becomes hemin. Broken down in layman's terms, this basically means you are getting a blood transfusion when you take chlorophyll.

The reason plants are green is because of chlorophyll. This is why it is so important to put green vegetables in your juicer recipes! It is important to note that the darker the green, the more chlorophyll that vegetable contains.

Improving your immune system:

- Regular and varied juicing is the most beneficial way to give you adequate amounts of antioxidants important for healthy immune systems. The antioxidants from vegetables and fruits include vitamins plus a large range of chemicals called phytochemicals that are derived from plants. Phytochemicals have a variety of health benefits, the most notable being anti-cancer properties. - 17268

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