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Friday, November 13, 2009

Cure Your Bleeding Hemroids in Few Days

By John Cole

The most severe form of hemroids is bleeding hemroids. A key thing to remember is that not all rectal bleeding may be associated to hemorrhoids. Your best way to discover if you do have a hemroid is to seek a Physician. There are many tests and investigations that are done to decide if you have internal hemroids or external hemroids.

Hemorrhoids are a common problem, but still many people are curious about them. Hemorrhoids occur when veins in the rectal area swell. This swelling often subsides within days, but rectal bleeding and painful bowels stay.

Bleeding hemroids happen due to blockage of blood in rectum. After sometime, the veins are not able to tolerate the high amount of pressure exerted by the blocked blood. This action of sitting down pressurizes the vein resulting in pain in the rectum. This squeezing exerts more pressure on the veins leading to bleeding hemorrhoids.

Constipation is a major factor in the causation of hemorrhoids. The impacted feces that occur due to constipation cause irritation of the rectum and anus as they pass through. That continual abrasion may occasion some bleeding. Don't panic if you notice blood in your feces, but don't be totally unconcerned either. The more quickly your DR diagnoses the problem and suggest you how to stop bleeding hemorrhoids, the more quickly you can solve it.

Bleeding hemorrhoids happen most often in people who are overweight due to the constant pressure placed on the lower half of the body. If you have a family history of hemorrhoids you are more likely to suffer from them. Pregnant women are also at high risk. Fortunately they generally disappear after the delivery of the baby.

Once you've been diagnosed with this condition, you need to begin treatment for bleeding hemorrhoids. You can resort to allopathic treatment, homoeopathy, and herbal healing to get relief from the symptoms of this condition. In addition to whatever treatment you are following, it would be a good idea to incorporate foods that are high in fiber, so that you can prevent or reduce constipation, which, in turn will put less pressure on your anal canal.

If you are seeking for some remedies to find some relief, you should consider VENAPRO. VENAPRO is a great drug that can cure bleeding hemorrhoids, and has shown proven results at delivering satisfaction to its customers. Other therapies that have shown good results are ZENMED Ziro Cream and AVATROL. - 17268

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