Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Discover How to Determine Daily Calorie Needs to Rapid Muscle Gain

By Cecil Kelly

Adequate nutrition and calories from good sources are of primary importance to gain lean muscle. You need to eat big to bulk up; there is no way around it. But exactly how much is "big"? Use the formula given here to calculate your own requirements.

Muscle building programs revolve around optimizing daily caloric needs to your specific requirements. Eating more can make you gain fat, not muscle. And eating less can make you never gain the bulky muscles you wish to build. Here is the four part formula:

1) Lean muscle mass calculation: Measure your body fat percent with the help of a skin caliper. For instance consider it is 10%. If you weigh--0 pounds, 10% of it is-- pounds. This is the amount of your fat mass. Subtract this number from your total body mass (140 minus--) to get your lean muscle mass - 126 pounds.

2) Find RMR (resting metabolic rate): RMR, the number calories a day you require to just keep on breathing, can be calculated by multiplying lean muscle mass by 10 and adding 500. In our example, it works out to 1760 calories (126 x 10 + 500).

3) Calculation of calorie intake to stay the same weight: Now let us find out your daily caloric intake by taking into consideration your level of activity. Multiply RMR by your Activity Index to calculate how much you need to maintain your current weight. If you are mostly sedentary, your activity index is 1.2. If you are moderately active, your activity index is 1.4. If you are very active, your activity index is 1.6

For example if you have a moderate lifestyle, you shall need (1760x1.4=) 2464 calories a day to weigh the same.

4) Optimizing additional calorie intake: Add 500 calories to your calculations so far and this should be your ideal calorie intake to gain muscle not fat. If you feel you are gaining fat and not muscle, cut down by 250 and if you are not gaining any muscle at all add 250 more.

Try out your nutrition plan for two weeks before deciding whether to add or subtract calories. Work out with intensity and take adequate rest to put yourself firmly on the path to muscularity. - 17268

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