Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, November 27, 2009

Get Rid Of Flabby Arms By Getting More Sleep

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

Studies have shown that women are more sleep deprived than ever. And this is not good news for those wishing to get rid of flabby arms. After all, sleep is critical if you want slimmer arms.

Unfortunately, a lack of sleep causes many different changes in your body that make your flab-less mission that much harder. One negative is the decrease in growth hormone output-a hormone that burns fat and builds muscle.

More importantly, no sleep translates into a poor mood. In other words, you mind will make mole hills seem like mountains.

So here is how to get rid of flabby arms by getting more sleep:

1. Avoid the light. A single ray of light hitting your eyes can ruin your sleep. Light is the strongest signal your body uses for establishing sleep cycles. Either board up your windows or use a sleep mask if light is an issue.

2. Get the mental gears grinding. Exerting your mind during the day will help you get more restful sleep at night. As you burn more and more ATP by using your brain, your need to sleep will increase.

3. Try not to sleep in. The occasional sleep in won't do much harm. But be careful. You see, if you sleep in more than once you run the risk of disrupting your regular sleeping patterns. And this will make getting rid of flabby arms very difficult.

4. Determine whether or not you have a substantial sleep debt. Everyone has some level of sleep debt. If you completely eliminated your sleep debt, you would have no drive to fall asleep. Do something monotonous. If your eyes become heavy, your sleep debt is too big.

5. Avoid acute increases in stress. If you have a huge stressor during the day, the stress pathways in your brain can remain overactive at night. Thus, you will have poor sleep.

Getting a full night's sleep will make the process of getting rid of flabby arms much easier. Managing a sleep debt while trying to get toned arms is like trying to run a marathon with a bag of rocks on your back. So get sleeping! - 17268

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