Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, November 5, 2009

High Protein Low Carb Foods - Making The Right Choice

By Rob Bryan

When it comes time to eat, many people pick whatever is handiest or tastes best. Most people pay little attention to the quality of their food choices. When given an option among low carb and high protein foods, or low protein and high carb foods, people tend to select foods that are higher in carbs since they often are more palatable or simply easier to prepare. However, high protein low carb foods are generally healthier.

The best way to achieve a healthy body is to ensure that your diet contains mostly high protein low carb foods. You will need to greatly reduce the amount of carbohydrates from your diet by eliminating "bad" carbs and adding "good" carbs from fresh fruits and vegetables. You will also want to add more protein to your diet. By doing this, you will have a healthy, balanced diet.

By eating a balanced diet with high protein low carb foods you can stay energetic and be able do the things you want to do without experiencing the chronic tiredness that comes from eating the wrong kinds of food.

If you have the desire to start transforming your diet by including more high protein low carb foods, you should begin by first investigating which foods belong to this group. Foods with a lot of protein in them consist of nuts and meats such as fish, lean beef, pork, lamb, turkey and chicken.

Foods that we term "low carb" include both foods that have a small amount of carbohydrates and foods that have the "good carbohydrates" that are necessary for your optimal health. So what foods can you eat that will help you get "good carbohydrates"? The very best things you can eat to get your good carbs are most fresh fruits and vegetables.

A regular diet of high protein low carb foods will help your body in numerous ways. You will start to feel better all around, not only since you know you're eating healthier foods, but also since you'll be using a diet which will balance your levels of insulin and blood sugar. This is why the high protein low carb diet is often prescribed by doctors for their diabetic patients who must keep careful track of their blood sugar and insulin.

Of course, when you are modifying your diet to incorporate high protein low carb foods, you will want to make your changes in increments. It is never a good idea to make a sudden, dramatic change in your diet. You can acclimate your body to your new way of eating by making small substitutions. Reduce your carbohydrate intake a little bit at a time while simultaneously increasing your protein intake. When you have reached your goal of balance, you will not really feel as if you are on a diet. You will just know you are eating better and feeling better. - 17268

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