Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Monday, November 16, 2009

How To Get Toned Arms Without Spending A Fortune On Supplements

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

The supplement industry is highly unregulated. So unregulated that the majority of supplements simply do not work.

And it really pains me when I see women spending small fortunes on said supplements only to notice that they don't work. Now while the majority of supplements don't work, there are some that do work. But these are an exception.

And having knowledge about ineffective supplements is beneficial so that you don't fall into the buying traps.

So here is how to get toned arms without letting your purse shrink because of a sugar pill:

1. Protein derivatives. In this case, amino acids. These used to be really popular and many people still take them regularly. The main issue here, however, is that taking too much of one amino acid can reduce the absorption of another.

2. Energy bombs. I'm referring to the myriad formulations of caffeine in the liquid and pill form. The problem with taking so much caffeine is that it can stress many different systems in your body. The best approach is to use these only when absolutely necessary, not on a regular basis.

3. MRP's. Also known as meal replacement powders, they come with the promise of being able to replace a meal. Well, the truth is that a packet of powder will never be able to rival a balanced meal in terms of nutritional quality.

4. Protein. Stay away from anything that digests quickly, including protein. Your will burn more arm fat and recover faster from workouts with regular food.

5. Pills that block the absorption of fat. Not only will they mess up your stomach, but blocking the absorption of fat is not healthy. Fat increases the production of arm toning hormones, keeps you full and keeps the membranes of your cells healthy.

It's not necessary to spend a war chest on supplements if you want to get toned arms. After all, the majority of them don't even work. You'll get better results by saving the money and spending it on high quality food instead. - 17268

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